[Opinions] João
What do you think of João? I think it's pretty neat. I met somebody at work with this name who is from Brazil. I've had it on my list for a while after discovering it on a TV show, but it was really cool meeting somebody with this name in person.
It sure is fun to look at! It's so breezy and wide open.
I would butcher it into something that sounds like "Zhwaow" if I had to guess the pronunciation. Or maybe "Hwaow" because I would probably assume this is a Spanish name, because I'm ignorant.
I would butcher it into something that sounds like "Zhwaow" if I had to guess the pronunciation. Or maybe "Hwaow" because I would probably assume this is a Spanish name, because I'm ignorant.
It does sound exotic, but it's also boring. I can't say I like it.
I had to look up how to pronounce it. It just doesn't appeal. The pronunciation given doesn't even feel like it matches up well with the spelling. I think I'd have had to be around Portuguese people a lot to not find this name so weird.
I like it. Not sure I’d use it on a child here in the USA. Unless I were Portuguese it makes more sense to use John.
It brings back memories to me. When I was in 6th grade I had a crush on a high school boy named Joao. He was my best friends older brothers best friend. I think we both had crushes on him.
It brings back memories to me. When I was in 6th grade I had a crush on a high school boy named Joao. He was my best friends older brothers best friend. I think we both had crushes on him.
Widely used by South African Portuguese families; nice if you know the person, but it does sound rather like a cry of pain.