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[Opinions] Re: Ramona, Susanna
I really like Ramona. I don't think I'd want to bear it myself or give it to a daughter, because of the Ramona Quimby association, which is by far the strongest association American people will have. But I do like it and the very few times I've met a Ramona (twice, I think) it made me smile.Susanna is okay but feels a bit frumpy. It should fit right in with other old-fashioned names that are popular now like Elizabeth and Leah and Charlotte, but somehow it really doesn't because it went through a period of hardly ever being used and those other names have always been fairly popular. I like Susan and Suzanne better.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin

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