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[Opinions] Ramona, Susanna
These are the names I’ve been thinking of lately. What do you think of Ramona and Susanna?

This message was edited 3/1/2025, 6:50 PM


I like both but prefer Susanna
Not my style
I associate both names with songs. Susanna reminds me of the 80s love song by The Art Company while Ramona of a very unflattering and ridiculous Spanish song about a heavyset woman, so definitely not a pleasant association. :/As for the names, Ramona isn't my cup of tea but I see its appeal. I like its vintage vibe. Susanna, on the other hand, is elegant and no-nonsense, and a perfect choice nowadays.
Oh man, I love Ramona. It has chutzpa. It's brassy, it's loud, but it's also got a lot of vintage glamour and sharp intelligence. It's a wonderful dark blood-red colour, and I imagine any Ramona to be a hoot to hang out with. Big fan of Ramona.Susanna is nice. It feels unfinished without a final H on the end, but I still enjoy it. I will forever be stunned by the fact that Susanna/h never became popular during the Biblical Cool/Hipster Folk Revival era of the early 00's, when stuff like Hannah, Abigail, Nevaeh, Grace etc were dominating everywhere. It fits right in with that aesthetic, it's PERFECT. But it didn't even chart! Susanna/h remains an undiscovered gem.
I really like Ramona. I don't think I'd want to bear it myself or give it to a daughter, because of the Ramona Quimby association, which is by far the strongest association American people will have. But I do like it and the very few times I've met a Ramona (twice, I think) it made me smile.Susanna is okay but feels a bit frumpy. It should fit right in with other old-fashioned names that are popular now like Elizabeth and Leah and Charlotte, but somehow it really doesn't because it went through a period of hardly ever being used and those other names have always been fairly popular. I like Susan and Suzanne better.
Ramona is beautiful, weird it isn't more popular, Susanna not my style but good
Ramona is 1930s Hollywood with jazz in the background. Not my personal scene.Susanna looks unfinished; Susannah looks authentic, but fussy. I'd prefer Suzanne.
I like both names but I prefer Susanna.
I love both!