[Games] Mythology in Art (14 of 14)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5569341⭐️

I hope you enjoyed this CAF despite it’s lack of order and method!
Choose your favourite painting
1) Polycrates Finding His Ring In The Fish (17th Century) by The Roman School
2) Medea (1868) by Frederick Sandys
3) Ingeborgs Klagan (ur Frithiofs saga) (1880s) by August Malmström
4) The Obsequies of An Egyptian Cat (1886) by John Reinhard Weguelin
5) Bacchante (1895) by Frederic Leighton
6) La Dame A La Licorne (1898) by Armand Point
7) The Souls At The Acheron (1898) by Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl
8) Tamed (circa 1910) by Marian Wawrzeniecki
CHILD SIX’s FAMILY1) Three children. A daughter, a son, and a.. (gender your choice)
https://nameberry.com/blog/irish-baby-names-whats-hot-now2) Two daughters and three sons
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/warriors3) Four sons and four daughters. Choose from each era (one sons and one daughter’s name from the 1920’s, one son and daughter’s name from the 1950s etc)
https://nameberry.com/blog/top-baby-names-by-letter4) Four daughters and two sons
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Barbie%27s_friends_and_family5) Four sons
https://nameberry.com/blog/the-100-poshest-names-in-britain6) Four daughters
https://nameberry.com/blog/the-100-poshest-names-in-britain7) Five sons
https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/tag/kings8) Two daughters and two sons
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 2/24/2025, 2:17 PM

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DH: Sören Elias Wolf
DW: Zita Agathe Wolf (nee Hermann)DD: Idalia May Oh (nee Wolf)
-DH: Conrad Kyung Oh
--DS: Gwang-Ho Orpheus Oh
--DD: Ha-Yoon Ilaria Oh
--DS: Do-Yun Gordan Oh
--DS: Eun-Woo Neil Oh
--DS: Eun-Ju Lysander Oh
--DS: Finbar Florent OhDS: Kieran Ellis Wolf
-DW: Olaya Lisandra Wolf (nee Agua)
--DS: Enoch Jethro Wolf
--DS: Ira Mortimer Wolf
--DS/DS: Silas Martin Wolf/ Amos Gideon Wolf
--DS: Cal Rupert WolfDS: Theoden Ames Wolf
-DW: Nuria Dolors Wolf (nee Castell)
--DD: Beatrice Luna Wolf
--DD: Isolde Rhiannon Wolf
--DD/DD/DD: Lorelei Pandora Wolf “Lore”/ Cordelia Penelope Wolf/ Octavia Arianwen Wolf “Tavi”DS: Kai Stratton Wolf
-DW: Hillary Rotem Wolf (nee Yomtov)
--DS: Link Dawson Wolf
--DD: Ada Maribelle Wolf
--DD: Idabel Narcissa Wolf
--DS: Rafe Bogan WolfDD: Laken Magdalena Amato (nee Wolf)
-DH: Shiro Elia Amato
--DS: Dylan Hendrix Amato
--DD: Althea Irene Amato
--DD: Margo Susannah Amato
--DD: Natalia Rhiannon Amato
--DS: Jude Memphis Amato
--DD: Ophelia Caroline AmatoDD: Elara Lysithea Anderson-Wolf
-DW: Ninette Danielle Anderson-Wolf
--DS: Dagda Elvar Anderson-Wolf “Day”
--DD: Marfisa Joan Anderson-Wolf “Fisa”
--DS: Ithai Patroclus Anderson-Wolf
--DS: Owain Hunfrid Anderson-Wolf
--DD: Maeve Olivia Anderson-WolfSören & Zita Wolf: Idalia, Kieran, Theoden, Kai, Laken, & Elara
Idalia & Conrad Oh: Gwang-Ho, Ha-Yoon, Do-Yun, Eun-Woo, Wun-Ju, & Finbar
Kieran & Olaya Wolf: Enoch, Ira, Silas, Amos, & Cal
Theoden & Nuria Wolf: Beatrice, Isolde, Lore, Cordelia, & Tavi
Kai & Hillary Wolf: Link, Ada, Idabel, & Rafe
Laken & Shiro Amato: Dylan, Althea, Margo, Natalia, Jude, & Ophelia
Elara & Ninette Anderson-Wolf: Day, Fisa, Ithai, Owain, & Maeve
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Family Noble
DW: Charity Lavender Attwood Noble
DH: Anthony Stephan NobleDD: Cresida Rose Noble
- DH: Terrance Ray Youthling
(DS: Kieran Aven Youthling , DD: Bea Elisa Youthling, DS: Roger Helix Youthling, twin1/DD: Daisy Ambers Youthling, twin2/ DD: Issy Wonder youthling)DS: Kieran Marcus Noble
-DW: Griselda Olivia Nothingham
(DD: Aura Persephone Noble, DD: Kailyn Hera Noble, DD: Rhea Selene Noble, DD: Maia Morrigan Noble, DD: Juno Athena Noble)DD: Vivienne Aella Noble
-DH: Melvin Eros Rosemary
( DS:Jacob Cameron Rosemary, DD: Lilith Mallory Rosemary, DS: Claude Gilles Rosemary)DD: Serene Mercy Noble

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Thanks for hosting!*DH: Heath Anthony Bishop
DW: Esta Kay {Kynaston} BishopDD: Lavender Odessa {Bishop} Yeager
- DH: Rhys Gideon Yeager
- DS: Harrison Oak Yeager
- DS: Spencer Ash Yeager
- DS: Isaac Wren Yeager
- DD: Audrey Yarrow Yeager
- DS: Archer North YeagerDS: Dominic Summit Bishop
- DW: Rooney Eileen {Enright} Bishop
- DD: Arcadia Beryl Bishop
- DD: Celena Demeter Bishop
- DS: Elias Flavian Bishop
- DS: Galen Hero Bishop DS: Gabriel Xavien Bishop
- DW: London Yara {Strauss} Bishop
- DS: Jasper Brand Bishop
- DS: Lev Rowan Bishop
- DD: Ember Aspen Bishop
- DD: Ivy Harriet BishopDD: Calla Eowyn {Bishop} Newton
- DH: Ilan Alexander Newton
- DS: Kylian Matisse Newton [twin]
- DD: Lilou Solenn Newton [twin]DD: Roma Valkyrie {Bishop} Elder
- DH: Felix Isaiah Elder
- DD: Colette Joplin Elder
- DS: Quinn Hendrix Elder
- DD: Natalia Clover Elder
- DS: Jude Marley Elder
- DD: Rosalie Rhiannon Elder
- DD: Margo Presley Elder [exp]DD: Esmae Bennett {Bishop} Senft
- DH: Louis Daniel Senft
- DD: Clementine Tess Senft
- DD: Fiona Winifred Senft
- DD: Augusta Tabitha Senft
- DD: Vivien Minna Senft
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DH: Elias Sören Beck
DW: Lotte Juliana Beck nee Sonnen
DS: Blaise Peregrine Beck
DD: Antonia Ivy Beck
DS: Gabriel Shiloh Beck
DD: Éowyn Calla Beck
DD: Maribel Roselyn Beck
DD: Liliana Marlene BeckBlaise | Antonia | Gabriel | Éowyn | Maribel | Liliana***
DS: Blaise Peregrine Beck
DW: Cassidy Kristina Overton
DD: Kerry-Anne Meredith Overton-Beck
DS: Blake Ellis Robert Overton-Beck
DD: Rosalind Harmony Eva Overton-Beck
DD: Demetria Azalea Tamsin Overton-Beck
DD: Ivy-Wren Adeline Overton-BeckBlaise & Cassidy
Kerry-Anne | Blake | Rosalind | Demetria | Ivy-Wren***
DD: Antonia Ivy Beck

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DH: Jack Riordan Millhouse
DW: Alyce Charity [Kynaston] MillhouseDD: Polly Lenora [Millhouse] Arbuthnot
-DH: Duncan Gordon Arbuthnot
—DS: Kennedy Andrew Arbuthnot
—DD: Beatrice Elspeth Arbuthnot
—DD: Rosalind Helen Arbuthnot
—DS: Donovan Arnold Arbuthnot
—DD: Isabella Winifred ArbuthnotDD: Ivey Antonia [Millhouse] Erlanger
-DH: Reuben David Erlanger
—DS: Galen Hector Erlanger
—DD: Iliana Justina Erlanger
—DD: Karissa Lois Erlanger
—DS: Myron Nestor ErlangerDD: Cosette Brielle [Millhouse] Franks
-DH: Nicolai Oliver Franks “Nico
—DS: James Victor Franks
—DS: Hugh Alexander Franks
—DD: Ivy Jane Franks
—DD: Ember Laura FranksDS: Beauden Leland Millhouse “Beau
-DW: Trista Helen [Ellison] Millhouse

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SO1: Luca Emilio Adler
SO2: Valentina Aurelia Dunst
Luca and Valentina with Nora, Dominic, Livvy, Maria, Tessa, and Holly
-DD: Lenora Circe Dunst "Nora"
-DW: Georgiana Opal Norwood Dunst "Georgie"
--DD: Wednesday Emilia Dunst
--DS: August Norwood Dunst
--DD: Winter Opal Dunst
--DS: Epoch Norwood Dunst
--DS: Knight Evermore Dunst
---Dcat: Dorothy
---Dcat: Arwen-DS: Dominic Valentine Rhys-Adler
-DW: Meredith Evans Rhys-Adler
--DD: Catherine Demetria Rhys-Adler "Kate"
--DD: Elena Fedora Rhys-Adler "Ellie"
--DS: Gregory Homer Rhys-Adler "Greg"
--DS: Jerome Kostis Rhys-Adler "Jerry"-DD: Olivia Juliet Dunst Illustrisimo "Livvy"
-DH: Otto Philippe Illustrisimo
--DS: Orson Auden Illustrisimo
--DS(Twin): Pax Octavius Illustrisimo
--DD(Twin): Pippa Octavia Illustrisimo
--DD: Polly Olympia Illustrisimo
--DS(expecting): Stellan Ozias Illustrisimo-DD: Maria Aglaea Adler Schnell
-DH: Erich Maria Isaak Schnell, III
--DS (Twin): Axel Clovis Schnell
--DD (Twin): Ilona Aglaé Schnell-DD: Teresa Helena Dunst "Tessa"
-DH: Tyler Robert Young Dunst
--DS: Jamie Malcolm Dunst
--DS: Kenzie Lachlan Dunst
--DD: Bonnie Catriona Dunst
--DD: Lexi Isobel Dunst
--DS: Finlay Callum Dunst-DD: Holly Lysithea Adler
-DW: Sharon Talia Herschel
--DS: Peter Douglas Adler Herschel
--DS: Maxime Ludwig Adler Herschel
--DS: Sydney Beaumont Adler Herschel
--DS: Lionel Roger Adler Herschel "Leo"
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Thank you for hosting!
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DH: Stephen Hudson Noble
DW: Alyce Ruby {Attwood} NobleDD: Betty Primrose {Noble} Caulfield
DH: Nigel Desmond Caulfield
-DD: Bonnie Eloise Caulfield
-DD: Wendy Ursula Caulfield
-DS: Felix Floyd Caulfield
-DD: Iris Genevieve Caulfield
-DD: Abigail Maura CaulfieldDD: Maura Hermione {Noble} Appleby
DH: Scott Ezra Appleby
-DS: Lyle Otis Appleby

-DS: Gus Clarence Appleby
-DS: Roy Wilson Appleby
-DS: Amos Geoffrey Appleby

-DS: Hugh Prescott ApplebyDS: Connor Gabriel Noble
DW: Heather Rhiannon {Yonkers} Noble
-DD: Lavinia Heather Noble
-DS: Victor William Noble
-DS: Jasper Alexander Noble

-DD: Teresa Harriet Noble

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Thank you for hosting!The Kohl FamilyH: Jonas Sören Kohl
W: Anika Ruth (Holzmann) Kohl, "Nikki"D1: Imogen Odette Kohl-Chamberlain
D2: Gwyneth Loveday (Kohl) Ingram
D3: Lilith Eliora (Kohl) Penrose
S1: David Leander Kohl
D4: Kristen Penelope Kohl-Maas
S2: Bennett Evander Kohl
__________D1: Imogen
H: Adam Reginald ChamberlainS1: Hugh Oliver Chamberlain
D1: Simone Adelaide Chamberlain
D2: Iris Winifred Chamberlain
S2: Ambrose Yorath Chamberlain
S3: Alistair Niall Chamberlain
__________D2: Gwyneth
H: Alexander Daniel Ingram, "Alex"S1: Solomon Rupert Ingram, "Sol"
S2: Lionel Franklin Ingram
S3: Prescott Howard Ingram, "Scotty"
S4: Leander Aloysius Ingram, "Lee"
S5: Otto Gideon Ingram
__________D3: Lilith
H: Avery Steven PenroseS1: Benjamin Atticus Penrose, "Ben"
S2: Jonathan Gaius Penrose, "Jon"
S3: Marcus Vespasian Penrose, "Marc"
__________S1: David
W: Harmony Olivia (Dolan) KohlS / D: Axel Lazare Kohl / Cerise Alizée Kohl
__________D4: Kristen
W: Emily Lorraine Kohl-MaasD / S1 / S2: Adele Matilda Kohl-Maas / Branson Thaddeus Kohl-Maas, "Bran" / Cain Matthias Kohl-Maas
__________S2: Bennett
W: Elizabeth Alice (Dietrich) Kohl, "Liz"S1: Arthur Nuada Kohl
S2: Edgar Oberon Kohl
S3: Richard Fergus Kohl, "Ricky"
S4: David Theodoric Kohl, "Dave"
S5: William Menelaus Kohl, "Will"
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Thanks for hosting!DH: Abraham Philip Van der Wal
DW: Livia Tess Klein DD: Odessa May Van der Wal
— DH: Nixon Daniel Anderson
— DS: Gareth Oliver Anderson
— DD: Hadley Irene Anderson
— DD: Darah Grace Anderson
— DD: Elsie Noelle Anderson
— DS: Eamon Lewis Anderson
— DD: Flora Felicity AndersonDD: Lennon Anneliese Van der Wal
— DW: Oona Louise Aitkens
— DS: Atlas Brogan Van der Wal
— DS: Camden Davis Van der Wal
— DD: Everly Faith Van der Wal
— DD: Genna Harper Van der WalDD: Tegan Emmeline Van der Wal
— DH: Harrison Ryan Young
— DD: Mallory Sloane Young
— DS: Gideon James Young
— DD: Cecily Rue YoungDD: Laikyn Eliza Van der Wal
— DW: Charlee Katherine Olsen
— DS: Augustus Bernard Olsen
— DS: Jasper Hugh Olsen
— DD: Primrose Mary Olsen
— DS: Ivore Douglas Olsen
— DD: Lavinia Eileen Olsen
— DD: Briallen Daisy OlsenDD: Georgie Danica Van der Wal
— DH: Soren Edgar Ackerman
— DS: Crosby Walker Ackerman
— DD: Oona Brynn Ackerman
— DD: Tully Cassandra Ackerman
— DS: Penn Quincy Ackerman
— DD: Libby Beck AckermanDS: Emmett Wolfgang Van der Wal
— DW: Norah Dianne Carter
— DD: Heidi Joy Van der Wal
— DD: Idina Clementine Van der Wal
— DD: Tess Julia Van der Wal
— DD: Minna Soleil Van der Wal
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Thanks for hosting! I really enjoyed this game!DH: Olaf Henryk Penders
DW: Adriana Gabriela (Gajos) PendersDD: Rue Harriet (Penders) Omar
-DH: Charlie Khalil Omar
--DS: Graham Oscar Omar
--DS: Halil Isaac Omar
--DD: Dahlia Gracie Omar
--DS: Everett Nico Omar
--DD: Elizabeth Lana Omar
--DS: Farid Francis OmarDS: Evan Marcus Penders
-DW: Olive Lily (Anderson) Penders
--DD: Iris Padma Penders
--DD: Sabrina Chloe Penders
--DD: Maya Diana Penders
--DD: Phoebe Uma Penders
--DD: Niamh Athena PendersDD: Juliet Leonora (Penders) Penders-Coleman
-DW: Nicole Daisy (Coleman) Penders-Coleman
--DD/DD: Tabitha Allegra Penders-Coleman & Hermione Beatrix Penders-Coleman

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Thanks for hosting DH: Emilio Ferdinand Mats Leon Faust
DW: Ylvie Marie HoeflerDD1: Rosalba Harriet Faust
DS1: Marcus Isaiah Faust
DD2: Giorgina Elske Faust
DD3: Elizaveta “Eliza” Lynn Faust
DD4: Maribel Hestia Faust
DD5: Anneliese “Annelie” Esther FaustDD1: Rosalba Harriet Faust
-DH: Cassio Kendrick Orsini
—DS1: Balendin Ramon Orsini
—DS2: Carlos Agustín Orsini
—DS3: Ruslan Eberado Orsini
—DS4: Cvetko Andrés Orsini
—DD1: Artemida Remei Erza Orsini
—DS5: Nikolai Daví Orsini
-DCat: Loki OrsiniDS1: Marcus Isaiah Faust
-DW: Ovidia Lois Aran
—DS1: Maxim Ward Faust
—DD1: Leonora Paulette Faust
—DD2: Athena Georgette Faust
—DS2: Ramon Smith FaustDD2: Giorgina Elske Faust
-DW: Natalia Dieuwke Chkhenkeli
—DD1: Saskia Lilit Chkhenkeli
—DS1: Nicolaas Simon “Colin” Chkhenkeli
—ExpS: Damian Iakob ChkhenkeliDD3: Elizaveta “Eliza” Lynn Faust
-DH: Hilary Ruvim Yurchenko
—DS1: Ilya Vasili Yurchenko
—DS2: Ivan “Vanya” Pavel YurchenkoDD4: Maribel Hestia Faust
-DH: Salvador Euryalos Arriola
—DD1: Mercedes “Sadie” Lou Arriola
—DS1: Horatio “Ace” Sam Arriola
—DS2: Raphael “Ray” Nate Arriola
—DD2: Anastasia “Annie” Eren Arriola
—DD3: Isadora “Izzy” Nell Arriola
—DS3: Óscar “Ozzie” Joe Arriola DD5: Anneliese “Annelie” Esther Faust
-DW: Natascha Dina Aarts
—DS1: Oscar Paul Aarts
—DD1: Wilma Irene Aarts
—DS2: Thomas Vincent Aarts
—DS3: Victor David Aarts
—DD2: Olivia Barbara Aarts
—DD3: Vanessa Nicole Aarts
—DD4: Julia Charlotte Aarts |[twin]
—DS4: Jacob Alexander Aarts |[twin]
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Thank you for hosting, it was very fun!!H: Valentin Emilio Faust
W: Marlene Aurelia [Gottlieb] FaustS: Oberon Mercer Faust
-W: Tamara Rohese [Younge] Faust
-D: Horatia Octavie Faust
-S: Sherlock Auguste Faust
-S: Ion Wigheard Faust
-D: Aurelia Yenny Faust
-D: Asia Nika FaustS: Evan Mordecai Faust
-W: Garnet Oaklee [Norris] Faust
-S: Friday Monte Faust
-S: Jules Charleston Faust
-D: Storm Evangeline Faust
-D: Iva Paulette FaustD: Aris Cosette [Faust] Rey
-H: Musa Ekin Rey
-D: Cornelia Dolores Rey
-S: Campbell Fabian Rey
-D: [exp] Persephone Mallory ReyD: Thalassa Lilyana [Faust] Ivers
-H: Otto Pelayo Ivers
-S: Chance Dolphus Ivers
-S: Taurus Junius Ivers
-D: Frankie Maribelle Ivers
-D: Narcissa Rosacoke IversD: Mary-Jane Eris [Faust] Hackett
-H: Sammy Thor Hackett
-TD: Millie Tess Hackett
-TS: Justus Matthias Hackett
-TS: Octavio Clay HackettS: Odin Justice Faust
-W: Eunice Marciana Izzy [Seabrook] Faust
-S: Ulysses Donald Faust
-S: Frank Ira Faust
-S: Patrick Nicholas Faust
-S: Christopher Mason Faust
-D: Patricia Mary Faust
-D: Ursula Nancy Faust
-D: Xiomara Zoe Faust
-D: Willow Penelope Faust
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DH: August Ignaz Wolf
DW: Katharina Agathe "Käthe" Wolf, née HolzmannDS: Roan Augustus Wolf
DS: Odin Kaspar Wolf
DD: Aella Astoria Wolf
DD: Leora Margarita Wolf
DD: Roma Penelope Wolf
DD: Elara Lysithea Wolf~~~~~~~~~~DS: Roan Augustus Wolf
SO: Ingrid Dorothea EngelsDD: Emilie Ophelia Sarai Engels-Wolf
DD: Tessa Rosalie Elysia Engels-Wolf
DD: Fiona Isabelle Tala Engels-Wolf
DS: Elias Lestat Adrian Engels-Wolf
DD: Freya Raphaela Oriane Engels-Wolf
DD: Willa Ingrid Niobe Engels-Wolf~~~~~DS: Odin Kaspar Wolf
SO: Sixtine Honeste YatteauDS: Quentin Zacharias Yatteau-Wolf
DS: Hector Cornelius Yatteau-Wolf
DS: Rupert Isadore Yatteau-Wolf
DS: Wilfred Gideon Yatteau-Wolf
DS: Lionel Ephraim Yatteau-Wolf~~~~~DD: Aella Astoria Renwolf, née Wolf
DW: Peixing "Emerald" Renwolf, née RenADS: Valeriano Bodan Renwolf
ADD: Eilin Lieselotte Renwolf
ADD: Osha Zoanne Renwolf~~~~~DD: Leora Margarita Wolf
DH: Batur Osman RamazanoğluDS: Lucan Bernez Ramazanoğlu
DS: Mateo Zalman Ramazanoğlu~~~~~DD: Roma Penelope Lieb, née Wolf
DH: Emrin Andreas LiebDD: Metta Sybilla Lieb
DD: Asta Sophonisba Lieb~~~~~DD: Elara Lysithea Wolf
SO: Aurel Ignatz SchmidtbergerDD: Tilde Dagmar Schmidtberger-Wolf
DD: Emma Idun Schmidtberger-Wolf
DS: Viktor Mio Schmidtberger-Wolf
DS: Einar Julian Schmidtberger-Wolf
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thanks for hosting!DH: Lukas August Kohl
DW: Annemarie Agathe Goldschmidt KohlDD: Idalia Maude [Kohl] Étienne
- DH: Ian Denis Étienne
- DD: Helene Ophelia Étienne
- DS: Stephen Andrew Étienne
- DS: Ivan William Étienne
- DD: Anne Ysabel Étienne
- DS: August Norman ÉtienneDS: Mordecai Ellis Kohl
- DW: Shiloh Haim YatesDS: Theoden Nestor Rosenblum-Kohl
- DH: Perceus Enoch "Percy" Rosenblum-KohlDS: Julian Herakles "Jules" Kohl
- DW: Belphoebe Odessa [Rochester] KohlDD: Adrastea Aracely [Kohl] Lane
- DW: Evelyn Aria LaneDS: Justice Shea Kohl
- DW: Alexa Irina [Stefanova] KohlLukas and Annemarie Kohl with Idalia, Mordecai, Theoden, Jules, Adrastea, and Justice
- Idalia and Ian with
- Mordecai and Shiloh
- Theoden and Percy
- Jules and Belphoebe
- Adrastea and Evelyn
- Justice and Alexa
DS: Mordecai Ellis Kohl
- DW: Shiloh Haim [Yates] Kohl
- DD: Barbie Kristine Kohl
- DD: Chelsea Lillian Kohl
- DD: Summer Adele Kohl
- DD: Skipper Marie Kohl
- DS: Kenneth Claude Kohl
- DS: Alan Max KohlDS: Theoden Nestor Rosenblum-Kohl
- DH: Perceus Enoch "Percy" Rosenblum-Kohl
- DAC: Endymion Symeir "Endie" Rosenblum-Kohl
- DAS: Tchalla Rameez Rosenblum-Kohl
- DAD: Chappell Sincerely Rosenblum-KohlDS: Julian Herakles "Jules" Kohl
- DW: Belphoebe Odessa [Rochester] Kohl
- DD: Roena Orvilla Kohl
- DS: Pliny Ozias Kohl
- DD/DS: Mercy Love Kohl/Bishop Friend Kohl (exp.)DD: Adrastea Aracely [Kohl] Lane
- DW: Evelyn Aria Lane
- DD: Maeve Magdalena Lane
- DC: Casey Ever Lane
- DD/DD: Tiggy Rosalind Lane/Dory Margot Lane
- DS: Rocco Ciel LaneDS: Justice Shea Kohl
- DW: Alexa Irina [Stefanova] Kohl
- DD: Acantha Brontë Kohl
- DS: Cyprian Damyan Kohl
- DD: Evanthe Filomena Kohl
- DD: Galina Hecuba KohlLukas and Annemarie Kohl with Idalia Kohl, Mordecai Kohl, Theoden Kohl, Jules Kohl, Adrastea Kohl, and Justice Kohl
- Idalia and Ian Étienne with Helene Étienne, Stephen Étienne, Ivan Étienne, Anne Étienne, and August Étienne

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H: Sören Lukas Wolf
W: Agatha Zita {Sonnen} WolfD: Idalia Lavender
S: Xavier Isaiah
D: Astoria Winry
D: Lenora Eowyn
D: Penelope Nadine
S: Emmett Caius***D: Idalia Lavender {Wolf} Nazaretyan
-H: Garnet Osric Nazaretyan--D: Hyacinth Odessa
--S: Solomon Alaric
--S: Isidore William
--D: Azalea Yelena
--D: Anemone Naomi***S: Xavier Isaiah Wolf
-W: Topaz Roxana {Yates} Wolf--D: Isolde Altaluna
--D: Eve Clementia
--D: Oriana Rosafiere
--D: Sybil Stellamaris
--D: Gwenore Winifred***D: Astoria Winry {Wolf} Rivers
-H: Malachite 'Mal' Enzo Rivers--S: Laszlo Leopold
--S: Bram Peregrine
--D: Zinnia Winifred
--D: Juno Dorothea
--exS: Whit Octavius***D: Lenora Eowyn Wolf-Hunter
-W: Sapphira Talia Wolf-Hunter--D: Zenas Roselda
--S: Zebulon Ozias
--S/D: Zaccheus Mindwell / Zerah Edessa***D: Penelope Nadine Wolf
-W: Opal Philippa Innes--S: Jude Zeppelin
--S: Franklin John
--D: Iris Althea
--D: Lorelei Ruby
--D: Nadine Ophelia
--exD: Alice Irene***S: Emmett Caius Wolf
-W: Esmeralda Maria Inez {Sanchez} Wolf--D: Simone Julia
--D: Daisy Isla
--D: Lila Jane
--D: Rosa Fenella
--S: Kurt Jasper
--S: Todd RobertThank you for hosting the game!!
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H: Boris Ignaz Kohl
W: Agathe Juliana GoldschmidtD: Odette Beatrix Kohl
-H: Tristram Reginald Yonge
--D: Ginevra Ottoline Yonge
--D: Hortensia Isabeau Yonge
--D: Demelza Gloria Yonge
--S: Everard Nicolas Yonge
--S: Estienne Leopold Yonge
--D: Fernanda Flavia YongeD: Hermione Pamela Kohl
-H: Gregers Otto Nansen
--D: Anemone Berenice Nansen
--D: Calypso Danaë Nansen
--D: Eudora Filomena Nansen
--D: Galatea Hero NansenS: Nestor Henry Kohl
-W: Miriam Eliza Rosenthal
—D/D: Rosamund Allegra Kohl & Isolde Beatrix Kohl
—S/S: Ravello Valentine Kohl & Caruso Tavish KohlD: Aglaia Margarita Kohl
-W: Olena Pavlivna Ivanenko
—D/S: Oriane Aglaé Kohl-Ivanenko & Ignace Télesphore Kohl-IvanenkoD: Magdalena Geneva Kohl
-H: Silas Tzu-Han Hsieh
—D: Sophonisba Septima Hsieh
—D: Clementina Fidelia HsiehD: Lysithea Selina “Thea” Kohl
-H: Edward Miles Imhoff
—D: Winifred Cora Imhoff
—D: Diana Vivien Imhoff
—D: Agnes Audrey Imhoff
—D: Georgina Ruth Imhoff
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DH: Luca Maximilian Beck
DW: Amalia Sophia (Keller) Beck--DS: Roan Augustus Beck
DW: Tiana Rachelle (Yates) Beck
-DS: Henry Osborne Beck
-DD: Samara Adele Beck
-DS: Isaiah Wilbur Beck
-DD: Aimee Yasmin Beck
-DD: Alisa Noreen BeckDD: Maura Honor (Beck) Nye
DH: Gareth Owen Nye
-DS: Gilbert Hector Nye
-DS: Edgar Isidore Nye
-DS: Lionel Casper Nye
-DS: Ira Jerome Nye
-DS: Roland Basil NyeDD: Janna Camellia (Beck) Ramsey
DH: Matthias Edwin Ramsey
-DD: Eloise Rue Ramsey
-DD: Hazel May Ramsey
-DS: Miles David Ramsey
-DD: Belle Violet RamseyDD: Eowyn Leora (Beck) Iverson
DH: Otto Preston Iverson
-DS: Rex Theodore Iverson
-DS: Arran Sinclair Iverson
-DD: Alys Rosanna Iverson
-DD: Freya Cicely Iverson
-DD: Iona Willow Iverson
-DS: Oscar Tristan IversonDD: Katya Penelope (Beck) Harding
DH: Simon Thaddeus Harding
-DD: Asta Leontyne Harding
-DD: Zora Sybilla Harding DD: Holly Adalie (Beck) Seabrooke
DH: Evander Michael Isidore Seabrooke
-DD: Opal Katherine Seabrooke
-DS: Irving Arthur Seabrooke
-DD: Wanda Elizabeth Seabrooke
-DS: Henry Vincent Seabrooke
-DD: Felicia Nicole Seabrooke
-DS: Gregory Thomas Seabrooke
-DD: Sophia Lily Seabrooke
-DS: Alexander Noah Seabrooke
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