[Opinions] Claire/Clare
I think it's a lovely name, and both spellings are fine.
I'd probably go with Claire.
I'd probably go with Claire.
I prefer the Claire spelling. I'm probably the minority, but I'm not a huge fan of the name.
My daughter's first name is four syllables, so I wanted a shorter, lighter middle name. Claire fits the bill. I chose the French spelling because I thought it looked more feminine and complete, and our last name is French.
This message was edited 2/24/2025, 4:45 PM
I like Claire a lot more than Clare, as I think it looks more finished. I also like "Clair" more in certain situations.
If used by an English speaker without a French inflection, I prefer Clare or Clair. Clare looks clean and unaffected and the pronunciation is apparent.
If it is meant to be pronounced the French way, then Claire.
Edited to add that, according to Merriam-Webster, Claire (ˈkla(a)(ə)r, -le(ə)r): a small enclosed pond for growing or observing the growth of oysters
If it is meant to be pronounced the French way, then Claire.
Edited to add that, according to Merriam-Webster, Claire (ˈkla(a)(ə)r, -le(ə)r): a small enclosed pond for growing or observing the growth of oysters
This message was edited 2/24/2025, 11:33 AM
I like it and prefer Claire, it looks more « complete. »
I love trim, pert Clare but have never warmed to the appearance of Claire. Two of my closest friends are named Clare and Claire. :)
I think it's a lovely name, I prefer the spelling Claire
I love Clare and would use it. I don't see the point of using a French spelling but not a French pronunciation, so Claire is out.