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[Games] New York NTNB Round 6
2005:DH (53): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (50): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (24): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (26): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (2):
-DS (nb):DS (21): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
DD (18): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
DS (15): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
DD (12): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)The Nervetti family have gained a new son – Alex was very insistent that it should be that way around, rather than losing a daughter. He gained more sympathy for his father’s traditional attitude when the engagement of his eldest was announced, and nervously requested that any grandchildren should carry his family name forward. After all, the sign above the restaurant’s front door wasn’t going to be changed for anyone. He has been appeased by a compromise with his new son-in-law, and Antonia and Marcus had a happy June wedding in 2002. The bride wore a strapless bodice, not the high neck her grandparents would have preferred, though she is nevertheless their favourite grandchild for treading the well-worn and uncontroversial route. Suzanne had her doubts about her eldest marrying at only 21, but there is no doubt that Antonia is very happy with her life, which now includes her two young children.Nico has gone to college upstate and, based on reports back to his family, is thriving. He has decided to pursue a career in teaching and is tutoring to get some practice in. His social life has also never been better, as his appreciation for fitness and the gym have lent him a stronger body and increased confidence to go with it. This has earned him more attention than he knows what to do with, though none of it has yet translated into a steady relationship.Rosalie’s attempts at finding work at a fashion house have so far proved unsuccessful, both due to her lack of a portfolio and her casual dress sense. She has joined a photography class to gain experience and a qualification, and her project on the city’s underbelly has been exhibited in a gallery and saw her nominated for an award, although she did not win. The dark photos of violence, homelessness and drug abuse are unlikely to find favour with New York’s tourist board, and her family are not sure what to make of them, but Rosalie is very proud of her work and is now considering another move to photographing people.Claude was headhunted for a school band this year. He was only called upon to replace the guitarist for a talent show, but impressed enough that the band kept him on afterwards. The group have a punishing rehearsal schedule every weekend, led by their ambitious lead singer and songwriter. Although Claude still intends to attend college and get a degree that can lead to a ‘proper’ job, he is unwilling to give up so much of his time for something that won’t go anywhere, and so he has become the lead singer’s second-in-command for whipping the band into a semi-professional shape.Marie is the family livewire and now runs the boutique as if she is a part-owner. While she is a prodigious designer, she is less adept at the customer service side of the business – customers don’t often seem to appreciate her honest critiques – and Suzanne often has to encourage her to take care of something else whilst she handles the fittings.**DD’s first name has a meaning relating to royalty. Her middle name is an Italian place name.DS is named after his grandfather, though uses a different diminutive, and has a middle name that you think would work well as a stage name.Both children have double-barrelled surnames.
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New York NTNB Round 6  ·  Guest  ·  2/23/2025, 5:00 AM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  molly  ·  2/24/2025, 11:22 PM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  Story  ·  2/23/2025, 8:13 PM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  jessica_p  ·  2/23/2025, 5:40 PM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  Wraith  ·  2/23/2025, 11:37 AM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  cher529s  ·  2/23/2025, 9:50 AM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  Rowena  ·  2/23/2025, 8:28 AM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  ari.  ·  2/23/2025, 7:59 AM
Re: New York NTNB Round 6  ·  Wordsmith  ·  2/23/2025, 7:05 AM