[Opinions] Weird/ugly names I came across this week
I like Meadow.
Karalyne is okay.
A lot of these are last names as first names.
People are allowed to have different taste, so I'm not sure I like calling them weird or ugly. That being said Analexa is too close to anorexia.
Karalyne is okay.
A lot of these are last names as first names.
People are allowed to have different taste, so I'm not sure I like calling them weird or ugly. That being said Analexa is too close to anorexia.
This message was edited 2/21/2025, 2:09 AM
I'm surprised you are the first one to mention that- yes! that was the first thing I thought when I read Analexa.
And even as a girl who also has a last name as a first name, I still don't like many of them lol. And yes people are allowed to have different tastes 100%.
And even as a girl who also has a last name as a first name, I still don't like many of them lol. And yes people are allowed to have different tastes 100%.
I think Maile is quite beautiful, but I find a lot of Hawaiian names lovely. Meadow is also very sweet and Keziah I love, but that spelling only.
I like Analeisa, that's it. I agree these are ugly names.
Channing (F) is a GP of mine 🙈 Met a cute little girl with the name and kind of fell in love, though not enough to ever use personally. Carrington is another GP of mine, but male only.
The only ugly thing about Kezziah is the spelling. Keziah is on my PNL. Analeisa also just has an ugly spelling if it's pronounced like Annalisa.
The only ugly thing about Kezziah is the spelling. Keziah is on my PNL. Analeisa also just has an ugly spelling if it's pronounced like Annalisa.
I like Meadow.
Analeisa– okay
Analexa– Ana + Alexa..? I would like more as Analeksa.
Carrington– surname.
Chaney– I don't know how to say this but it reminds me of my langauge for "black"
Channing– surname?
Chimdalu– I don't like it, I prefer Chimwendu (same usage)
Desiah– huh
Karalyne– I don't like kre8tiv spellings
Kezziah– why extra z
Kirby– isn't it a video game character
Maile– it is okay, I prefer Maike (even though it sounds like my langauge for shirt)
Meadow– word, that is not a name
Powell– surname.
Shairel– shie-rehl = like, shey-rehl = okay
Talynn– Tallinn.
Tanner– surname.
Analexa– Ana + Alexa..? I would like more as Analeksa.
Carrington– surname.
Chaney– I don't know how to say this but it reminds me of my langauge for "black"
Channing– surname?
Chimdalu– I don't like it, I prefer Chimwendu (same usage)
Desiah– huh
Karalyne– I don't like kre8tiv spellings
Kezziah– why extra z
Kirby– isn't it a video game character
Maile– it is okay, I prefer Maike (even though it sounds like my langauge for shirt)
Meadow– word, that is not a name
Powell– surname.
Shairel– shie-rehl = like, shey-rehl = okay
Talynn– Tallinn.
Tanner– surname.
I'm clueless about video games, but Kirby is an English-language surname. As surnames go, it works quite well as a given name, except that I've got painful memories of a friend with that very surname who came to a sad and dreadful end, too young.
It's also a very specific, highly meme'd video game character :') having this name in a school yard in the 2020's would be... unpleasant. Always Google before making it official.
I like Analeisa, though I would prefer Annalisa. Analexa is neat. Meadow is alright, but kind of hippie. Maile is nice. Chimdalu is a cool name.
I don't like Carrington, Tanner, Channing and Powell bc they are too surname-y. I am not a fan of Kirby. I don't care for Talynn that much because I don't like names that are combinations of phonetic elements that much.
I don't have very strong opinions on the others.
I don't like Carrington, Tanner, Channing and Powell bc they are too surname-y. I am not a fan of Kirby. I don't care for Talynn that much because I don't like names that are combinations of phonetic elements that much.
I don't have very strong opinions on the others.
This message was edited 2/15/2025, 5:18 PM
Maybe don't call these names "ugly"? A few of these seem cultural.
that doesn't make them sound any better
ugly is just an opinion anyways. just because i find them ugly doesn't mean you will too, and that's okay.
ugly is just an opinion anyways. just because i find them ugly doesn't mean you will too, and that's okay.
I like Keziah