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[Opinions] Re: List- global submarine cables names
When I saw Melita on the list it reminded me of something, but I couldn't figure out what. I remembered now: the city of Melitopol. Melita is a Greek name so I am pretty sure that Melitopol probably means "City of Melita" hence why they sound similar. Melitopol was kind of close to my home city, according to Yandex maps I could walk there from my hometown in 1 day and 17 hours (assuming that military leaves me alone and I have that much stamina). If I had to name my children some of these names- Girl: Mariana or Melita (even though I associate it with the city)
Boy: Raman Raman looks Belarusian (usage 3 says it is) and where I live he would probably become Roman quickly. And I like the name Roman :) (pronounced rro-mahn).

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