previous round:
(ps. I’m skipping O’Keefe as she was the subject in a recent CAF and I want to keep it interesting)
This Round: Tamara De Lempicka 1894 - 1980
Tamara Rosa Łempicka, known outside Poland as Tamara de Lempicka, was a Polish painter who spent her working life in France and the United States. She is best known for her polished Art Deco portraits of aristocrats and the wealthy, and for her highly stylized paintings of nudes. Most notably, despite its decorative quality, her work provided her with an outlet for unconventional self-expression: truly a product of her era, the libertine golden age between the two world wars, Lempicka, a bisexual, made bold, liberated female sexuality the linchpin of her art.
In 1917 the Russian Revolution began and her husband (Tadeusz Łempicka) was arrested by the Bolsheviks. After weeks of trying to locate her husband in prison by exploiting her social connections, charm, and attractive appearance, Lempicka found Tadeusz and managed to arrange for his release (supposedly, Lempicka seduced a person of power to get her husband out). Shortly afterward, the couple left the country and eventually settled in Paris where her family had also taken refuge.
In both her life and her art, Tamara de Lempicka offered a new image of the modern woman: part jazz-age femme fatale, libertine, and social climber, and part canny self-promoter, self-styled experimental artist and astute cultural and historical prognosticator.
Choose your favourite Tamara De Lempicka painting
1) Portrait of the Duchess of La Salle (1925)

2) Autoportrait (1929)

3) Girl with Gloves (1929)

4) Polish Girl (her daughter Kizette) (1929)

5) Portrait du Dr Boucard (1929)

6) Calla Lillies (1941)

7) Eva


- Optional second middle name initial is the letter “T”
Links are optional
1) Child four, a daughter
- His first name is related to the name Margaret (
- His middle name ends in the letters “DA”
2) Child two, a son
- His first name ends in the letter “K”
- His middle name is has a Polish nameday in your birth month (
3) Child six, a daughter
- Her first name is Late Roman (
- Her middle name is a tree or has a tree in it’s meaning (
4) A child of your choice, a daughter
- Her first name and middle name are in the top 300-420, USA, 1890 (
5) A child of your choice, a son
- His first name and middle name are popular in Poland (
6) Child one, a daughter
- Her first name is “chaste” (
- Her middle name ends in the letters “IA”
7) Child three, a son
- His first name is the name of a Patron Saint (
- His middle name contains the letter “Y”, but doesn’t end in it (
8) Child five, a son
- His first name has a short three letter long nickname (e.g. Jedediah “Jed” or Sebastian “Baz”)
- His middle name is anglicised (
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf