Previous Round:
This round: Neoclassicism
1) Portrait of Solomon Isaacs by John Wesley Jarvis

2) Portrait Of Juliette Récamier, Née Bernard by François Gérard

3) Mr. Longnecker (circa 1820) by Jacob Eichholtz

4) Portrait of the Countess of Vergennes in Turkish Attire by Antoine De Favray

5) Noah Smith (1798) by Ralph Earl

6) Portrait of a Lady by Jan Adam Kruseman

7) Portrait of E. Szmrecsányi by Jozef Božetech Klemens

8) Portrait présumé de Françoise-Marie Pouget, seconde femme de Chardin by Jacques-André-Joseph Aved

CHILD THREE1) Selah Mehetabel Prue Keturah Delphia Abitha Comfort Hepzibah Jane Letitia Philadelphia Winifred
2) Olympe Anne-Louise Marie Cécile Germaine Antoinette Pauline Théroigne Juliette Sophie Reine Agathe
3) Zaccheus Richard Linus Harold Finney Constant Aquilla Lafayette Philo Nathaniel Sampson Thaddeus
4) George Emmanuel (Marie-)Joseph Roch Gilbert Paul François Pierre Jack Louis Maximilien Isidore
5) Morgan Harcourt Cecil Allan Ephraim Josiah Percy Gregory Jonas Valentine Americus Wycliff
6) Alexine Isabella Maria Jacoba Kenau Roos(je) Cunera Johanna Agneta Helene Juliane Catharina
7) Oldrich Alexander Ján Conrad Boris Riso Ivan Aloysius Klement Cyril Milan Leopold
8) Jeanne Marcelle Madeleine Eugénie Georgette Augustine Blanche Léontine Adele Odette Francine Hortense
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
This message was edited 9/20/2024, 9:37 AM