[Facts] Re: Name Variations
I knew that about the vowels. My husband studied Arabic for awhile and I tried to get him to teach me once, but I'm not exactly so hot with languages. Give me a trig proof or algebraic equation any day!! I would like to study Hebrew and Greek sometime though
I think the different versions of names in the Bible is one of the reasons that I always wonder about this. I know that some of them are the differences in the OT and NT being written in Hebrew and Greek, but then again, once you translate it into English, why not translate it the same?
For example, Rebekah is in the OT, but when she's mentioned in the NT it's Rebecca. And then there is Isaiah/Isaias, etc. etc. Why change when you are translating into the same language?
Another one is Elisabeth/Elizabeth. In the King James it's an s, but a lot of the other versions have the z. I don't know why James and his men decided on Elisabeth, but why are the newer versions changing it to Elizabeth? Isn't the Hebrew's transliteration normally spelled with an s?
okay I'm rambling now I guess. And it's not always Bible names I wonder about, they are just the most common. I also like tracing names too, for example, how Jack is a form of John type of thing.