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[Opinions] What's a name you love, but only as a nickname?
what the title says
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So like the nickname but not any of the full names?

Hattie Billy
Bear (Bernard would work as fn, but I dislike it)

This message was edited 3/29/2024, 11:44 AM

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Lottie, Zazie, Winnie, Lilou, Rio, Sally, Rory

This message was edited 3/29/2024, 9:21 AM

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Millie For Millicent
Edie for Edith
Winnie for Winifred
Lulu for Louisa
Lottie for Charlotte
Nell or Nora for Eleanor
Tess for Theresa
Evie for Evangeline or Genevieve
Tilly for Matilda
Gwen for Gwendolyn
Lena for Helena or Magdalena
Ginny for Virginia
Romy for RosemaryI better stop there.
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My current #1 girl name Kitty (for obvious reasons). I’ll probably end up using the full name Catherine or Kit. For boys I randomly love Ralphie, it’s so adorable! Ralph is kinda meh but Randolph might be nice as a full name.
Also just today I realized that Kenny is actually super cute! But again, Kenneth = meh.
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There aren’t any names like this for me. If I love the name, I like it as a given name.
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Mamie! I adore it and could use it to honor my mom, Amy.
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