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[Opinions] Re: Name Your Celebrity Twins (3)
1.) -ley -er suffix: Barley and Juniper 2.) Noor and Tasha 3.) Corduroy and Courage 4.) I was gonna use Adrian and Adriana but since it's the example: Calvin and Calvina 5.) Marty and Baxter This was painful for mePlease rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.
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Adrian & Adriana are the actually names of the twins. I hope one them uses a nickname.
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You sure? I checked his wiki page and it said the twins were Adrian and Ariana, though wiki isn't always reliable.
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His official biography says Adrian and Ariana.
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Yeah, Adrian and Ariana are definitely their names. But the fact that it can be misread as Adriana shows that their names are still too similar.
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Oh I agree
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Adriana can be Ana if she wants. Damn poor kids
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