Joshua MatthewDW:
Abigail OliviaDS/DD:
Jack Oliver/Sophie
Chloe RebeccaDS:
Jack CallumDS:
Adam ConorDD:
Amy LeahDS:
Lucas NathanDD:
Camille MarieDS:
Adrian DanielDD:
Claudia LuciaDS:
Alexander WilliamDD:
Linnea ElinDS:
Noah ThomasDD:
Charlotte LunaDS:
Liam NicholasDD:
Ava GraceDS:
Lachlan JamesDD:
Mia EllaDS:
David BenceDD:
ViktoriaDS: Nik
Ana LaraDS:
Tobias MartinDD:
Emilie IngridDS:
Joel EricDD:
Laia AndreaDS:
Jack DylanDD:
Hannah ChloeDS:
Giovanni NiccoloBubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)