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[Opinions] Kaitelynn and Kaeleigh
Like why. This makes me eyes hurt. They are family. Wdyt?
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Both are looks ugly for me. I much prefer Kaylee and Kathleen enough.
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Mine too! I don’t mind Kaeleigh (prefer Kayleigh), but Kaitelynn is disturbing. 😳
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Kaeleigh is... readable at least. Kaitelynn is just too many letters and completely unreadable.
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I don’t like either. Kaitlyn and Kaylee are ok but those spellings are hideous.
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The spellings are really confusing, especially Kaitelynn. There's too many letters mashed together.
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Hate the spellings, espy Kaeleigh's. Like can the -leigh spellings just die off already?
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I wouldn't really like these names no matter the spellings. I don't care for Kaitelynn, adding an "e" to the middle of what I'd consider one of the standard spellings is so lazy and unimaginative I wouldn't even consider it "creative", just unnecessary.Kaeleigh on the other hand looks fun. I honestly might even prefer it to Kaylie which is so boring it's practically invisible at this point but my eyes keep being drawn to Kaeleigh. It's the kind of creative spelling I don't mind - it actually makes sense and is unambiguous. I feel like a lot of creative spellings just turn into huge messes but Kaeleigh is pretty neat.As a sibset I actually think the sounds are way too close and this is coming from someone who loves matchy sets.

This message was edited 12/19/2023, 2:11 PM

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It is not a sibset but a mother and daughter.
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Oh, that makes more sense.
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I don't even like them with their correct spellings! Parents who want to make sure their child is different don't stop to think that this will entail endless corrections, explanations, frustration, important information going astray ...
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I don't like the spelling. I like Caitlin and Kaylee more.
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I don't like these spellings
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Ewww, hate creative spelling
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