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[Opinions] Imelda
Thursday I had a customer who gave her name as Immie so most likely Imogen. It got me thinking though what else it might be short for. I think Imelda as old fashioned as it is it would be wonderfully refreshing now compared to Imogen. WDYT of Imelda?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from

This message was edited 12/9/2023, 11:11 AM


As someone of Filipino descent, I would definitely not use Imelda. Definitely too reminiscent of a particular lady who had many shoes and considering the political situation with that family right now in the Philippines, it's honestly not a good idea.
I'd even prefer Irmhild or Irmina if I wanted a similar sound and meaning to Imelda. Otherwise, Imogen / Imogene and Immaculada (and its cognates) would be lovely names to get to Immie / Immy.

This message was edited 12/12/2023, 5:20 AM

I think that Imelda sounds spunky and gorgeous!
Imelda is the nickname of my neighbor, though I'd always known her as my friend's mom and "Mrs. _____," so hearing other people call her Imelda the first time was jarring! lolI actually think Imelda is a lovely name. However, for a lot of people, their first name association is Imelda Marcos... so...
I love these nick name mysteries. Maybe it was from Immaculada? Imogen is unheard of in my neck of the woods, so meeting one would still be pretty refreshing! Imelda is really fun, I do enjoy that one. Do people still care about Imelda Marcos and the shoes? Probably not.
Seeing an Imogen in the wild would be refreshing to me, seeing an Imelda would not be any more refreshing to me. Imogen is light and creative, Imelda is heavy/clunky and traditional-sounding.
Immie would ruin most names! I prefer Imogen, but Imelda is OK if you love shoes.
I adore Imelda! It’s feisty yet sophisticated. I think of the brilliant actress Imelda Staunton before I think of Imelda Marcos.
Don't like Imelda at all, Imogen is nice