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[Test] Only able to save certain names
Hello! I’ve noticed that there is no way to save surnames with no known definition. Westaway, for example, I cannot save, but I can save surnames with descriptions, like Miller. Even though there is no information or definition for the surname Westaway, would there, or should there, be a way to save the name to personal name lists? Thank you in advance for any response.
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This is correct, there is no way to save a name without a definition to a PNL. Maybe at some point in the future?
Nice. I would love to see new features like that added, but the decision is absolutely up to you. In any case, thank you for letting me bring it to your attention.
I can't even find Westaway on the surname site. If its not in the database, it can't be saved. In that instance, people tend to save them by editing their profile and listing them there.
You can see an example of saving names to your profile in my profile. I keep them there until they are added to the database and I can officially add them.
I see, thank you.