[Opinions] Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni
in reply to a message by )(
I prefer the Eleni spelling over Elleni. Eleni looks a bit more intentional whereas Elleni just looks like a typo of Ellen to me. I like Helen in the sense that it feels like a nice grandmotherly name but I think it still needs to sit on the shelf for a bit. Helena is a little bit more my speed & more in flavor of the modern day. If I had to choose between it and Ellen I would probably still choose Helen.Fun fact: one of my ancestors was a Helen who in fact had a sister named Ellen. Both living at the same time. They were two of 12 sisters. Allegedly, Helen (the younger) was picked because this was the pre-baby name information era & after 10+ other daughters the mom just straight up was running out of names she knew and liked 😅 poor woman. One single boy too, smack dab in the middle of all those women named Octavius "Gus". He was a veterinarian & actually helped one of his sisters deliver her baby during a snowstorm because the Midwife was unable to make it in the weather.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 1/15/2023, 12:04 PM

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Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  )(  ·  1/14/2023, 5:19 PM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  cyanidecandy  ·  1/17/2023, 1:19 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  tibby  ·  1/15/2023, 9:29 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Anneza  ·  1/15/2023, 3:22 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Higuma  ·  1/15/2023, 2:18 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Perrine  ·  1/14/2023, 6:43 PM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Dianatiger  ·  1/15/2023, 4:17 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Perrine  ·  1/15/2023, 7:12 AM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Dianatiger  ·  1/14/2023, 6:37 PM
Re: Ellen, Helen and Elleni  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  1/14/2023, 5:37 PM