[Surname] Looking for new surname after divorce
I am getting divorced and don’t have a strong connection with my maiden name. I’d like to change my name to something strong and independent, fresh, new, something of my own as a woman, not tied to any man. Suggestions?
Look up on last names on this website under different cultures and it will tell you if they are strong and beautiful names. My family have very strong last names.
also if you are thinking of changing your first name as well go to the first name website its under the tools on here. GOOD-LUCK.
also if you are thinking of changing your first name as well go to the first name website its under the tools on here. GOOD-LUCK.
Explore your family tree. Maybe a grandparent's surname? Or an ancestor's name?
Find a female character, celebrity, historical figure, etc.
Maybe a town where you once lived or a street you once lived on?
Find a female character, celebrity, historical figure, etc.
Maybe a town where you once lived or a street you once lived on?