[Opinions] Re: Dating People With Family Names
Well, I imagine I'd know that other person's name right from the get-go, before I started getting close with him; I sure wouldn't not get close to him because his name is the same as my brother or favorite uncle or whatever. Likely that topic would come up right away, be remarked on/laughed over, and then we move on. If he already went by a nn, great, but I really don't think it's my place to suggest he pick a nn to go by; if one developed over time, fine.
I have a friend who's been married twice. Her first husband was named Bill and they were divorced in the late eighties. She's been married to her second husband for 25 years. His name is also Bill.
We all tease her about being a Bill collector.
Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin