There is 3 lists with 5 names, please selects 1 from each list that should be eliminated and 1 from each that should be kept (6 names in total, 3 eliminate 3 keep). Out of the 3 names to keep please state which 1 you like the best. Could you also please state what you like/dislike about the names you selected. Please base names on their sound and flow NOT their length.
Alyssa Charlotte OdetteAlyssa Evangeline OdetteAlyssa Gabrielle OdetteAlyssa Genevieve OdetteAlyssa Hermione Odette
Alyssa Charlotte FaithAlyssa Evangeline FaithAlyssa Gabrielle Faith Alyssa Genevieve FaithAlyssa Hermione Faith
Alyssa Charlotte PearlAlyssa Evangeline PearlAlyssa Gabrielle Pearl Alyssa Genevieve PearlAlyssa Hermione Pearl