This isn't judged, but I'll post a list of my favorite combos (and their authors). Is that done?
Have fun! :)
LN: (doesn't mean, "Son of [name]"... this includes surnames that are simply a man's first name)
SO1: (both names begin with the same letter)
SO2: (both names have three syllables)
DD: (first name is a variant of SO1's middle name; middle name is a variant of SO2's first name)
DS: (first name is variant of SO2's middle name; middle name is variant of SO1's first name)
DS: (both names end with the same letter)
DD/DD: (same initials; neither fn/mn combo has more than 8 letters total)
DS: (first name contains a double vowel, like 'oo' or 'aa'; middle name contains a double consonant, like 'll')
-- Sarah