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[Facts] Bar-Yam
Recently I was asked what the name Bar-Yam(בר־ים) means. After a couple hours of online research I formulated the response below. But I'm no expert; what's your take on it? Can more be said, corrections offered? Can this name be found in Mid-Eastern religious texts? (It's not Biblical.)BTW what does the masculine prænomen Yaneer mean, anyhow? (read on..)
ברים transliterated into English is (generally) spelled Baryam, and can refer to:1. A common Semitic proper name ["ברים"], taken from the Aramaic language; the prefix בר denoting "son of", the masculine noun ים meaning "sea, seaward" or (Biblically) "West, westward" [given that the Great (Mediterranean) Sea was situated cardinally West], though also implying "abundance" and "ability"; these terms taken together, the name can translate "Son of the Sea" (also "of the West") as well as "Son of Abundance" and "Able(Capable) Son". Note that when used as a surname it is (properly) rendered "בר־ים" in Aramaic & Hebrew [but also written without the maqqaf(hyphen)]; spelled-out in English as Bar-Yam, bar-Yam or barYam.2. Modern Hebrew term for drinking taverns in Israël ['barym', plural of 'bar'; loanword, from English].3. Possibly paleo-Persian (Darí) for "feast".Additionally ברים is:a. Surname of a renowned U.S.American scientist (Yaneer Bar-Yam;, president of New England Complex Systems
Institute.b. A place name in Afghanistan.
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Bar-Yam  ·  ירד  ·  5/14/2006, 9:16 PM
Re: Bar-Yam  ·  Pavlos  ·  5/15/2006, 12:06 AM
Re: Bar-Yam  ·  Andy ;—)  ·  5/14/2006, 11:26 PM
Re: Bar-Yam  ·  ירד  ·  5/17/2006, 5:17 AM