[Opinions] Re: Jessamine
It's moderately attractive, but it suffers from too-much-it is. It's trying to give off the same vibes as Jessica and Jasmine, but not ending up as good as either one.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Jessamine  ·  rockstarunicorn27  ·  6/9/2020, 6:27 AM
Re: Jessamine  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  6/9/2020, 9:23 AM
Re: Jessamine  ·  Somebody random  ·  6/9/2020, 8:48 AM
I like Jessamine Aurea and Jessamine Anaïs (nt)  ·  rockstarunicorn27  ·  6/9/2020, 9:02 AM
Re: Jessamine  ·  cnmuffintops  ·  6/9/2020, 8:15 AM
Re: Jessamine  ·  RoxStar  ·  6/9/2020, 6:29 AM
Agreed (m)  ·  Xeno  ·  6/9/2020, 11:23 AM
Well said! n/t  ·  Anneza  ·  6/9/2020, 6:55 AM
nt  ·  a..  ·  6/9/2020, 6:29 AM
Jessamine Renata’s nice (nt)  ·  rockstarunicorn27  ·  6/9/2020, 6:35 AM