H: Barry Brendan Cameron Jeremy Neil Paul [Brueck Fanara Jackson Kracklow]
W: Amanda Christine Jennifer Melissa Naomi Tina [Fischer Loughlin Mandel Rosenberg]
D1: Casey Esme Kathryn Mariah Nicole Zoe
D2: Carmen Eve Gabrielle Iris Jane Sarah
D3: Cayleigh Claire Farrah Jasmine Lauren Margot
S1: Antonio Devin Edison George Jackson Reuben
S2: Dominick Harrison Jonathan Owen Thomas Tyson
S3: Alexander Dylan Julian Maxwell Samuel William
S4: Curtis Ethan Gage Joshua Michael Nikolas
D4: Bethany Chloe Destiny Elle Fiona Genevieve
S5: Daniel Jude Mason Theodore Vance Zachary
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception