[Opinions] Re: Tanith
in reply to a message by A
I like it a lot and it’s on my PNL, but I’m not sure I could use it in real life. It sounds like Shakespeare soaking up the sun.
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Tanith  ·  A  ·  7/21/2019, 8:37 PM
Re: Tanith  ·  mirfak  ·  7/24/2019, 8:37 PM
Re: Tanith  ·  Theodora'sMommy  ·  7/22/2019, 6:46 AM
Re: Tanith  ·  ari.  ·  7/22/2019, 1:29 AM
Re: Tanith  ·  Wordsmith  ·  7/22/2019, 12:04 AM
Re: Tanith  ·  Xeno  ·  7/21/2019, 9:36 PM