Part 1 (Couple): 2 (Firstborn): 3 (Second Child): 4 (Third Child): 5 (Fourth Child): 6 (Fifth Child): 7 (Firstborn's Family): 8 (Second Child's Family): 9 (Third Child's Family):
And we have arrived at the penultimate round: number 10. For this round, in looking at the second youngest kid's family, we travel to Eastern Europe (also incorporating West Asia / the Caucasus)! For our U.N. restaurant, which dish should represent this region?
1. Khachapuri (cheese-filled bread), from Georgia:

2. Beef Stroganoff, from Russia:

3. Borscht, from Ukraine:

4. Pierogi (potato & cheese dumpling), from Poland:

5. Dovga (yogurt-based soup), from Azerbaijan:

6. Kugelis (baked potato casserole), from Lithuania:

If you chose...
1. LN: Andronikashvili Donauri Gelashvili Lomidze Maisuradze
Identical twins! If your birthday is an even number, they’re girls. Odd number, they’re boys.
FN & MN of spouse and children are from this list:
2. LN: Aslanbekov Dzhioyev Kharebov Krupin Ranevsky (Optional: for female bearers -ev and -ov become -eva and -ova, -in becomes -ina, and -sky becomes -skaya)
Three children. If your birthday is an even number, two girls and a boy. Odd number, two boys and a girl. (Birth order your choice.)
FN & MN of spouse are from this list: (Optional: MN for spouse and children is a patronymic, in the case of the children derived from the father’s name; e.g. Anatoliy = Anatolievich / Anatoliyevna, Fyodor = Fyodorovich / Fyodorovna, Ilya = Ilyich / Ilyinichna)
3. LN: Chayka Holub Kohut Pasternak Zyma
Five kids! If your birthday is an even number, G-B-G-B-G. Odd number, B-G-B-G-B.
FN & MN of spouse are from this list: MN for spouse and children is a patronymic, in the case of the children derived from the father’s name; e.g. Fedir = Fedirovych / Fedirivna, Ilya = Ilyich / Ilyinichna)
4. LN: Bukowski/Bukowska, Jagoda, Sokal, Starosta, Wronski/Wronska (feminizations optional)
Four kids! If your birthday is an even number, two girls and then two boys. Odd number, two boys and then two girls.
FN & MN of spouse and children are from this list:
5. LN: Aliyev Akhundov Hasanov Mammadov Stalsky (Optional: for female bearers -ev and -ov become -eva and -ova, and -sky becomes -skaya)
Three children, flip a coin for gender (heads = girl, tails = boy): & MN of spouse and children are from this list: MN for spouse and children is a patronymic, in the case of the children derived from the father’s name; e.g. Azad = Azad oğlu / Azad qızı)
6. LN: Adomaitis Jankauskas Petrauskas Stungevičius Vilkevičiūtė
Two children, one daughter and one son (birth order your choice).
FN & MN of spouse and children are from this list:
Part 11 (Youngest Child's Family):
Please rate my personal name lists:
This message was edited 7/6/2019, 5:09 PM