These games seem to be all the rage right now - and I've had fun participating in others'. So I figured, why not start my own?
Ta-da! Welcome to erb816's "Fancy Restaurant Congrats!" You are taking part in a fine dining day-long event, and your choices determine the options for the family. Let's get started!
First, the initial couple. At which restaurant would you most like to eat?
1. Eleven Madison Park; New York, USA:

2. White Rabbit; Moscow, Russia:

3. Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée; Paris, France:

4. Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet; Shanghai, China:

If you wish more variety in names, you may choose your favorite for one Significant Other (SO), and your second favorite for the other SO.
1. Yaser Benjamin David Elon Celino Nero Yosef Fermin Ariel / Carmina Naila Franka Zita Devora Alejandra Katelijne Mirthe Pilar (LN: Van der Hout, Rana, Bencivenni, Al-Amin, Porras, Goldhirsch, Kader)
2. Vsevolod Gustaw Anatoli Bartosz Teodor Valeriy Roman Leon Vasiliy / Stanislava Henryka Ivanka Odarka Violeta Iva Nedelya Mariam Vesela (LN: Lis, Tarpinian, Laliev, Tsvetkov, Sobol, Zelenko, Asenov)
3. Barnabé Toussaint Hugo Edgar Pèire Gaultier Elouan Armand Remao / Cyrille Anastasie Mélissa Mirabelle Noella Rachel Oriane Arlette Laura (LN: Bouchard, Delacroix, Rayne, Noyer, Fontaine, Moreau, De Garmo)
4. Michi Hideaki Bo Wahyu Dinh Yong Taiki Pich Phirun / Cam Chantrea Haruko Citra Kaoru Hai Chihiro Minato Vanna (LN: Guo, Ngo, Keo, Song, Chey, Kwan, Phan)
Part 2 (First Beverage): 3 (Brunch): 4 (Amuse-Bouche): 5 (Soup): 6 (Salad): 7 (Second Beverage): 8 (Appetizer): 9 (Main Course): 10 (Third Beverage): 11 (Dessert):
Please rate my personal name lists:
This message was edited 4/13/2019, 5:58 PM