[Facts] Is Kveto a diminutive of Květoslav?
No. Květo is a short form. If it were a diminutive, it would have contained one of the Czech diminutive suffixes:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diminutives_by_language#Czech (in English)
According to the Czech Wikipedia article about the name Květoslav (see the link below), the name has the following variants: Květa, Květek, Kvítek, Slávek, Slavo and Slav.
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Btoslav (in Czech)
Out of those, Květek, Kvítek and Slávek are diminutives, as they all contain a diminutive suffix. The rest should be short forms. Also note that Květa is feminine, which means that it is actually the short form of Květoslava. I suppose the article meant to say Květo, but accidentally said Květa instead. Also see:
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Btoslava (in Czech)
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Bta (in Czech)
Notable bearers of the feminine version of the name include the tennis player Květoslava "Květa" Peschkeová (b. 1975) and the skier Květoslava "Květa" Jeriová (b. 1956).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diminutives_by_language#Czech (in English)
According to the Czech Wikipedia article about the name Květoslav (see the link below), the name has the following variants: Květa, Květek, Kvítek, Slávek, Slavo and Slav.
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Btoslav (in Czech)
Out of those, Květek, Kvítek and Slávek are diminutives, as they all contain a diminutive suffix. The rest should be short forms. Also note that Květa is feminine, which means that it is actually the short form of Květoslava. I suppose the article meant to say Květo, but accidentally said Květa instead. Also see:
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Btoslava (in Czech)
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kv%C4%9Bta (in Czech)
Notable bearers of the feminine version of the name include the tennis player Květoslava "Květa" Peschkeová (b. 1975) and the skier Květoslava "Květa" Jeriová (b. 1956).