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[Facts] meaning?
I looked on your list and my name is NOT there. Other name meanings websites have no listing of my name either. I know from my baby book that I was brought home from the hospital as baby girl Baugh. Two weeks later my paternal grandmother named me after my father whose name is Wiley. Grandmother spelled my name: Wyla. She also gave me a middle name of Jane which my mother did NOT like and changed to Ann. So, according to my baby book and my birth records, I did NOT have a name for my first two weeks of life! My full recorded birth name: Wyla Ann Baugh. I have searched for years the meaning of my first name. I challenge you to find its meaning, origin and anything else you can find about. Thank you, in advance, so very much for your time on this matter.
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You answered your own questionYou said you were named after your father, Wiley but your grams spelled your name Wyla. Obviously, she intended for it to be a female version of Wiley (even though she just made it up - if it's not here or on any baby name sites or in any name books then it more than likely did not exist before it was given to you), then Wyla has the same meaning as Wiley, according to your grandmother.So, with regards to what I just said, your name Wyla means the same as this:WILEY
Gender: Masculine
Usage: English
Pronounced: WIE-lee [key]
From a surname which was derived either from a place name meaning "temple clearing" in Old English or from a nickname meaning "wily, tricky" in Middle English.Which you could have found by simply searching Behind the Name.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity

This message was edited 4/18/2006, 2:53 PM

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I think it's a unique name.
but if someone else found out what it means and you have searched your whole life you must of either lied or not tri very hard.
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Actually, I think she's just making it more difficult than it isSometimes the most obvious answers are the most difficult to find. It's something that happens to everybody.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
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