LN: You pick your own ln.
Benjamin Kieran "
Naomi HopeDS:
Peter PatrickDS:
Michael IsaacDD/DS:
Elizabeth Penelope /
Parker ElijahDS:
Evan VictorDD/DD/DD:
Jessica Melanie /
Daisy Rose /
Amanda Bright
DH- Brook-BK
DW- Nevaeh-NH
First Child's Gender- No: Boy
First Child's Name- Pride and Prejudice: PP
Second child's Gender- 300 pages or more-boy
Second child's name-How old are you? 14-18: MI
Twins gender: What is your favorite primary color? Blue: DD/DS
Twins Names: What is your favorite secondary color? Purple: PE/EP
Fifth Child's Gender: How long have you been on BtN? Less than a year: DS
Fifth Child's name: What color is your hair? Blonde: EV
Triplets Gender: How many children do you have? None: DD/DD/DD
Triplets Names: Which is your favorite last name? Connely: JM/ DR/ AB
Cat's name: What continent do you live in? N
America: C

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain