[Opinions] Ainsley?
(For a story)
I think I've settled on the name Ainsley for the maternal grandfather of Lavinia, Casper and Annora. What do you think of Ainsley for a man? He has auburn hair and blue eyes and is a professor of world literature at Oxford University.
What would you name his younger sister?
They were born in Scotland around the 1940s to early 1950s.
Their Ln is Monroe.
Also, do you have any suggestions for his wife's name? Something traditional and/ or classic. I have settled on Greer for her maiden name. She has blonde hair and green eyes, she's a historian and a book worm. She was also born in Scotland within the same time period as her husband and his sister.1
ღPlease rate my PNLsღ: http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/82160 ♥(New names added 8/23/17)♥

I think I've settled on the name Ainsley for the maternal grandfather of Lavinia, Casper and Annora. What do you think of Ainsley for a man? He has auburn hair and blue eyes and is a professor of world literature at Oxford University.
What would you name his younger sister?
They were born in Scotland around the 1940s to early 1950s.
Their Ln is Monroe.
Also, do you have any suggestions for his wife's name? Something traditional and/ or classic. I have settled on Greer for her maiden name. She has blonde hair and green eyes, she's a historian and a book worm. She was also born in Scotland within the same time period as her husband and his sister.1
ღPlease rate my PNLsღ: http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/82160 ♥(New names added 8/23/17)♥

I don't understand what the complexity of Ainsley has to do with the names of the grandchildren?
Because it’s nice when the names of fictional characters have some kind of cohesiveness.
Hi !!!
I don't know..
Obviously it is only my opinion so don't worry...
Maybe because of the sound..
Maybe because Casper, Lavinia and Annora are more simple to spell and write for me or more internationally known..
But it is not a problem as I suggested names that are also complex (Marsaili, Dougal, Hamish..).
So I admit that it could be a personal perception about Ainsley.
I don't know..
Obviously it is only my opinion so don't worry...
Maybe because of the sound..
Maybe because Casper, Lavinia and Annora are more simple to spell and write for me or more internationally known..
But it is not a problem as I suggested names that are also complex (Marsaili, Dougal, Hamish..).
So I admit that it could be a personal perception about Ainsley.
I think Ainslie is probably more realistic when you compare the amount of well-known(ish) bearers..
For what it’s worth, I prefer it on a girl, but I get why you’d use it on a male character.
For what it’s worth, I prefer it on a girl, but I get why you’d use it on a male character.
This message was edited 3/21/2018, 1:57 PM