[Opinions] Norman/Norm
What do you think of Norman with the nickname Norm? I like old man names, so that doesn't bother me. Any other opinions on it?~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ "I'm Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third. But you can call me Dot."
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Not crazy about Norman.Norm makes me think of that terrible animated movie "Norm of the North". (In case you haven't heard of it...it's that movie starring Rob Schneider as a talking polar bear.)

This message was edited 2/8/2018, 5:54 AM

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I like it a lot! My good friend's 9 year old son is Norman, so I have no issue picturing it on a kid. It's honesty and outdoorsy, and makes me think of fly fishing.
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It's not just an old-man name, it's a fat, slovenly old man with a really bad hairpiece that looks like roadkill stuck to his head. He smells like mothballs and urine and cheap cigars and he hasn't had teeth since he was thirty.
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'Norman No-mates'. But probably not a problem if you're not in the UK :)
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I like Norman, just Norman.Dignified, not overused name. I knew a Norman, he was a force of intelligence.Norman August
Norman Saul
Norman Solomon
Norman Daniel
Norman Tyler
Norman Frederick
Norman Michael
Norman Matthew
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I prefer Normandy. It seems like more of a name. Norman reminds me of Normie.
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Ech, I don't think I like Normie. I forgot about that.
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I like Normand better.
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