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[Games] Generation CAF w/ Initials |10.14.17|
DH[72]: ZG [A]
DW[72]: SR [F]DD[51]: LG
DS[46]: AZ
DS[44]: VK******DD[51]:
-DH[52]: OD [A]-DD[30]: WL
--DH[30]: ZB [D]
--DS[9]: FA
--DS[5]: HM-DD[26]: OR
--DH[29]: TK [J]
--DD[exp]: XP******DS[46]:
-DW[44]: ML [F]-DD[21]: EC
--DFiance[23]: XG [W]
--DD[11mo]: SK-DS[16]: OG
-DS[14]: NW
-DD[13]: RI
-DS/DS[7]: PT & PF******DS[44]:
-DW[39]: BY [A]-DS[14]: OR
-DD[10]: MC
-DS[7]: SA
-DD[4]: NP******Please Rate My Lists!
Girl Names--
Boy Names--
Top Names: Alexandra and Julian
Bottom Names: Campbell and Carl
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH[72]: Zacchaeus Gideon [Amberley]
DW[72]: Sadie Rose [Franklin]DD[51]: Lucy Grace
DS[46]: Aaron Zebedee
DS[44]: Vincent Kipling******DD[51]: Lucy Grace
-DH[52]: Oscar Daniel [Anderson]-DD[30]: Winona Lily
--DH[30]: Zion Barnaby [Davis]
--DS[9]: Felix Asher
--DS[5]: Harry Malachi -DD[26]: Olivia Ruth
--DH[29]: Tom Keanu [Jennings]
--DD[exp]: Xara Poppy******DS[46]: Aaron Zebedee
-DW[44]: Miriam Lula [Finley]-DD[21]: Eve Celeste
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gabriel [Watkins]
--DD[11mo]: Sage Keziah -DS[16]: Otis George
-DS[14]: Nathaniel William
-DD[13]: Ruby Isabelle
-DS/DS[7]: Patrick Theodore & Paul Frederick ******DS[44]: Vincent Kipling
-DW[39]: Blossom Yasmin [Abbott]-DS[14]: Owen Rex
-DD[10]: Matisse Cleo
-DS[7]: Sonny August
-DD[4]: Nalani Pearl
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DH[72]: Zachary Gabriel Aldrich
DW[72]: Sophia Regina Frost AldrichDD[51]: Lily Gabriella Aldrich
DS[46]: Alexander Zachary Aldrich
DS[44]: Victor Knox AldrichZachary and Sophia Aldrich: Lily, Alex, Victor******DD[51]: Lily Gabriella Aldrich Ahearn
-DH[52]: Oscar Daniel Ahearn-DD[30]: Willow Louisa Ahearn Dawson
--DH[30]: Zane Benjamin Dawson
--DS[9]: Finlay Andrew Dawson
--DS[5]: Hunter Matthew DawsonWillow and Zane Dawson: Finn, Hunter-DD[26]: Olivia Rose Ahearn Jepson
--DH[29]: Tobias Kingsley Jepson
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Philippa JepsonLiv and Toby Jepson: Xanthe******DS[46]: Alexander Zachary Aldrich

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DH[72]: Zacharias Gabriel Aubergine
DW[72]: Sienna Rose (Feldman) Aubergine DD[51]: Leonora Grace Aubergine
DS[46]: Atticus Zacharias Aubergine
DS[44]: Victor Killian Aubergine******DD[51]: Leonora Grace (Aubergine) Andrews
-DH[52]: Oliver Dante Andrews-DD[30]: Willow Lucia (Andrews) Davis
--DH[30]: Zane Bailey Davis
--DS[9]: Felix Anthony Davis
--DS[5]: Hugo Maxwell Davis-DD[26]: Opal Rita (Andrews) Jenkins
--DH[29]: Theodore Kirk Jenkins
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Pilar Jenkins******DS[46]: Atticus Zacharias Aubergine
-DW[44]: Molly Louise (Fox) Aubergine-DD[21]: Emma Claire Aubergine
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gaetano Wilbur
--DD[11mo]: Sienna Kate Wilbur-DS[16]: Oscar George Aubergine
-DS[14]: Nicolas William Aubergine

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DH [72] Zachary George Anderson
DW [72] Sophia Renee Anderson [Farrington]DD1 [51] Lila Grace [Anderson]
DS1 [46] Alexander Zachary Anderson
DS2 [44] Vincent Kian Anderson*
DD1 [51] Lila Grace Aragon [Anderson]
DH [52] Oliver Daniel Aragon DD [30] Willow Lucy Darwish [Aragon]
- DH [30] Zain Bassam Darwish
- DS [9] Freddie Amir Darwish
- DS [5] Hunter Malik Darwish DD [26] Olive Rose Jennings [Aragon]
- DH [29] Thomas Kai Jennings
- DD [exp] Xanthe Penelope Jennings *
DS1 [46] Alexander Zachary Anderson
DW [44] Madeleine Louise Anderson [Farrell]DD [21] Emma Charlotte Anderson
- Dfiance [23] Xander Giles Wilson
- DD [11m] Sarah Kallie Wilson

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DH[72]: Zechariah Gregory [Anderson]
DW[72]: Sarah Regina [Freemans]DD[51]: Lydia Grace
DS[46]: Adrian Zechariah
DS[44]: Victor Keegan******DD[51]: Lydia Grace
-DH[52]: Oliver David [A]-DD[30]: Willow Lydia
--DH[30]: Zane Blake [Dalaney]
--DS[9]: Frederick Anderson
--DS[5]: Henry Marley-DD[26]: Olivia Regina
--DH[29]: Tyrone Kenneth [Johans]
--DD[exp]: Xenia Patrice******DS[46]: Adrian Zechariah
-DW[44]: Michaela Leanne [Fontaine]-DD[21]: Edith Catherine
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gratian [Wallace]
--DD[11mo]: Sarah Kathleen-DS[16]: Oswald Gregory
-DS[14]: Nicolas Wenceslaus
-DD[13]: Raphaela Irene
-DS/DS[7]: Paul Timothy & Peter Francis******DS[44]: Victor Keegan
-DW[39]: Briana Yolanda [Allen]-DS[14]: Olsen Richard
-DD[10]: Maria Chloe
-DS[7]: Samuel Allen
-DD[4]: Nina Peita ******
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DH[72]: Zaccai Gregory Arbeit
DW[72]: Sophia Rose Arbeit (née Flater)DD[51]: Louisa Geraldine Arbeit
DS[46]: Andrew Zaccai Arbeit
DS[44]: Victor Kurtis Arbeit******DD[51]: Louisa Geraldine Ackerman (née Arbeit)
-DH[52]: Orville David Ackerman-DD[30]: Wanda Louise Dunkel (née Ackerman)
--DH[30]: Zachery Bevis Dunkel
--DS[9]: Flynn Anthony Dunkel
--DS[5]: Harley Matthew Dunkel-DD[26]: Olivia Rose (née Ackerman)
--DH[29]: Thomas Keith Jardine
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Patience Jardine******DS[46]: Andrew Zaccai Arbeit
-DW[44]: Marian Louise Arbeit (née Flanagan)-DD[21]: Emily Catherine Arbeit
--DFiance[23]: Xavier George Watson
--DD[11mo]: Sylvia Katherine Watson-DS[16]: Oliver Gregory Arbeit
-DS[14]: Nathan Wilbur Arbeit
-DD[13]: Rebecca Irene Arbeit

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DH[72]: Zachariah Gerald Albion (Gerry)
DW[72]: Sharon Ruth Albion (nee Farrington)DD[51]: Lorraine Geraldine (Lori)
DS[46]: Andrew Zachariah Albion (Andy)
DS[44]: Vincent Kenneth Albion (Vince)******DD[51]:
-DH[52]: Oscar Dennis Alvarez (Ozzy)-DD[30]: Whitney Louise Devine (nee Alvarez)
--DH[30]: Zachary Brian Devine (Zack)
--DS[9]: Finn Alexander Devine
--DS[5]: Hayes Marcus Devine-DD[26]: Olivia Ruth Alvarez-Joyce
--DH[29]: Tyler Kenneth Joyce
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Paloma Joyce******DS[46]:
-DW[44]: Michelle Leeanne Albion (nee Frearson)-DD[21]: Emily Claire Albion
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gregory Wharton
--DD[11mo]: Serenity Katherine Wharton-DS[16]: Owen Gerald Albion
-DS[14]: Nolan William Albion
-DD[13]: Rachel Isabel Albion

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DH {72} Zane Geoffrey Alexander
DW {72} Susanne Roberta {Finch} AlexanderDD {51} Laurel Gloria {Alexander} Adams
DS {46} Andrew Zachary Alexander
DS {44} Vincent Kyle Alexander*DD {51} Laurel Gloria {Alexander} Adams
DH {52} Oliver David AdamsDD {30} Whitney Lauren {Adams} Dennison
- DH {30} Zayden Bennett Dennison
- DS {9} Fletcher Adams Dennison
- DS {5} Harris Maxwell DennisonDD {26} Olivia Rose {Adams} Jordan
- DH {29} Tyler Kristopher Jordan
- DD {exp} Xabelle Poesy Jordann*DS {46} Andrew Zachary Alexander
DW {44} Matilda Lucille {Frey} AlexanderDD {21} Ella Catherine Alexander
- DF {23} Xavier Gabriel West
- DD {11m} Seraphina Kate WestDS {16} Owen Gregory Alexander
DS {14} Nathaniel Wesley Alexander
DD {13} Rebekah Imogen Alexander
DS {7} Phineas Timothy Alexander
DS {7} Penn Frederick Alexander*DS {44} Vincent Kyle Alexander
DW {39} Britta Yvonne {Anthony} AlexanderDS {14} Oren Russell Alexander
DD {10} Mia Charlotte Alexander
DS {7} Sebastian Anthony Alexander
DD {4} Nadia Penelope Alexander
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DH [72] Zachary George Alexander
DW [72] Sarah Renee {Finley} AlexanderDD [51] Laura Grace {Alexander} Ahearn
DS [46] Anthony Zachariah Alexander
DS [44] Vincent Kieran Alexander*DD [51] Laura Grace {Alexander} Ahearn
DH [52] Oliver David AhearnDD [30] Whitney Lynne {Ahearn} Davies
— DH [30] Zephyr Brayden Davies
— DS [9] Finley Alexander Davies
— DS [5] Harrison Morgan DaviesDD [26] Olivia Rhiannon {Ahearn} Jones
— DH [29] Thomas Kelly Jones
— DD [exp] Xenia Paige Jones*DS [46] Anthony Zachariah Alexander
DW [39] Matilda Louise {Fordham} AlexanderDD [21] Elena Caroline Alexander
— Df [23] Xavier Grant Winston
— DD [11m] Serena Kelsey WinstonDS [16] Orion Giles Alexander
DS [14] Nicholas Wallace Alexander
DD [13] Riona Irene Alexander
DS [7] Patrick Tyler Alexander
DS [7] Paul Francis Alexander*DS [44] Vincent Kieran Alexander
DW [39] Bethany Yael {Andrews} AlexanderDS [14] Oliver Richard Alexander
DD [10] Millicent Charlotte Alexander
DS [7] Sebastian Aaron Alexander
DD [4] Nicolette Paige Alexander
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DH[72]: Zachary George Armitage
DW[72]: Sophia Ruby Fairchild-Armitage
Zachary & Sophia: Lillian, Anthony, and Vincent DD[51]: Lillian Georgia Armitage
DS[46]: Anthony Zachary "Tony" Armitage
DS[44]: Vincent Karl "Vince" Armitage ******DD[51]: Lillian Armitage-Anderson
-DH[52]: Oliver David Anderson
Oliver & Lillian: Willa and Olive -DD[30]: Willa Lucille Anderson-Dunn
--DH[30]: Zachary Benjamin "Zach" Dunn
Zach & Willa: Felix and Henry --DS[9]: Felix Aaron Dunn
--DS[5]: Henry Michael Dunn -DD[26]: Olive Ramona Anderson-Johansen
--DH[29]: Thomas Kenneth "Tom" Johansen
Tom: Ximena --DD[exp]: Ximena Paola Garcia-Johansen ******DS[46]: Tony Armitage
-DW[44]: Maria Luisa Fernandez-Armitage

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DH[72]: Zachary Gareth Atterberry
DW[72]: Sharon Rose Atterberry [Fairchild]DD[51]: Lillian Georgia Atterberry
DS[46]: Andrew Zachary Atterberry
DS[44]: Vincent Kenneth Atterberry******DD[51]: Lillian Ginger Archer [Atterberry]
-DH[52]: Oswald Daryl Archer-DD[30]: Willow Louise Archer
--DH[30]: Zane Bryce Archer [Dwight]
--DS[9]: Felix Adrian Archer
--DS[5]: Heath Marcus Archer-DD[26]: Odessa Rebecca Jones
--DH[29]: Thomas Karl Jones
--DD[exp]: Xenia Patricia Jones******DS[46]: Andrew Zachary Atterberry
-DW[44]: Margrethe Louise Atterberry [Frederiksen]-DD[21]: Elouise Cathrine Atterberry
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gregory Walker
--DD[11mo]: Selina Katharine Walker-DS[16]: Oliver Gilbert Atterberry

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This message was edited 10/14/2017, 4:39 PM

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DH[72]: Zane Gerald Alberth
DW[72]: Sally Rose [Fontaine] AlberthDD[51]: Linda Geraldine [Alberth] Altenderfer
DS[46]: Alan Zane Alberth
DS[44]: Victor Kenneth AlberthZane & Sally || Linda, Alan and Victor******DD[51]: Linda Geraldine [Alberth] Altenderfer
-DH[52]: Omri David Altenderfer-DD[30]: Whitney Leanne [Altenderfer] Donner
--DH[30]: Zachary Brandon Donner
--DS[9]: Flynn Alexander Donner
--DS[5]: Harris Maxwell Donner
-DD[26]: Olivia Rose [Altenderfer] Jenner
--DH[29]: Tanner Kingston Jenner
--DD[exp]: Xoey Parker Jenner
Omri & Linda || Whitney and Livvie
…Zach & Whitney || Flynn and Harris
…Tanner & Livvie || Xoey
******DS[46]: Alan Zane Alberth
-DW[44]: Maria Leigh [Foster] Alberth-DD[21]: Emma Caitlyn Alberth
--DFiance[23]: Xavier Gareth Walsh
--DD[11mo]: Simone Kadence Walsh
-DS[16]: Owen Griffin Alberth
-DS[14]: Nicholas William Alberth
-DD[13]: Reese Isabelle Alberth
-DS/DS[7]: Pacey Thomas Alberth & Pierce Foster AlberthAlan & Maria || Emma, Owen, Nick, Reese, Pacey and Pierce
…Xavier & Emma || Simone
******DS[44]: Victor Kenneth Alberth
-DW[39]: Bridget Yvonne [Acker] Alberth -DS[14]: Oscar Robert Alberth
-DD[10]: Maisie Charlotte Alberth
-DS[7]: Seth Andrew Alberth
-DD[4]: Natalie Paige Alberth Victor & Bridget || Ozzy, Maisie, Seth and Natalie
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DH[72]: Zalman Georg Adler
DW[72]: Shprintza Ruchel Feigenbaum DD[51]: Leonora Golda Adler
DS[46]: Avram Zelig Adler
DS[44]: Virgil Koppel Adler ******DD[51]: Leonora Golda Adler
-DH[52]: Oren David Amsel -DD[30]: Winifred Leonore Amsel
--DH[30]: Zimri Balthazar Deforest
--DS[9]: Ferdinand Amsel Deforest
--DS[5]: Horatio Meyer Deforest -DD[26]: Ottoline Rivka Amsel
--DH[29]: Thurstan Karl Jellicoe
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Perdita Jellicoe ******DS[46]: Avram Zelig Adler
-DW[44]: Milada Libuše Filipek -DD[21]: Emmeline Cecilie Adler
--DFiance[23]: Ximeno Godfrey Whishaw
--DD[11mo]: Sibylla Kornélie Whishaw -DS[16]: Otakar Gervase Adler
-DS[14]: Nikola Wilfred Adler
-DD[13]: Rosamund Irena Adler

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This message was edited 10/14/2017, 4:17 PM

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DH[72]: Zoran Gregory Avery
DW[72]: Sarah Rebecca [Foster] AveryDD[51]: Lila Grace [Avery] Abrams
DS[46]: Adam Zephyr Avery
DS[44]: Vincent Kyle AveryZoran & Sarah; Lila, Adam, and Vincent******DD[51]: Lila Grace [Avery] Abrams
-DH[52]: Ori Daniel AbramsLila & Ori; Mina and Olivia-DD[30]: Wilhelmina Lucy Abrams "Mina"
--DH[30]: Zachary Basilio Delgado
--DS[9]: Felipe Andrew Delgado
--DS[5]: Henry Miguel DelgadoMina & Zachary; Felipe and Henry-DD[26]: Olivia Rachel [Abrams] Jacobs
--DH[29]: Thomas Kieran Jacobs
--DD[exp]: Xanthe Pearl JacobsOlivia & Thomas; Xanthe******DS[46]: Adam Zephyr Avery

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DH[72]: Zachary Gordon Ashford
DW[72]: Sally Ruth [Fanning] Ashford
DD[51]: Linda Georgette Ashford
DS[46]: Alexander Zachary Ashford
DS[44]: Victor Keith Ashford******DD[51]: Linda Georgette (Ashford) Ackerman
-DH[52]: Oscar David Ackerman-DD[30]: Whitney Lauryn (Ackerman) Davenport
--DH[30]: Zane Broderick Davenport
--DS[9]: Finn Amos Davenport
--DS[5]: Henley Max Davenport-DD[26]: Oriana Ruby (Davenport) James
--DH[29]: Trenton Kelly James
--DD[exp]: Xylia Phaedra James******DS[46]: Alexander Zachary Ashford
-DW[44]: Miranda Lucy [Fields] Ashford-DD[21]: Ellison Clair Ashford
--DFiance[23]: Xander Gabriel Wellington
--DD[11mo]: Sage Khloe Wellington-DS[16]: Owain Garrett Ashford
-DS[14]: Naylor Wendell Ashford
-DD[13]: Romilly Ione Ashford
-DS/DS[7]: Paxton Tate & Prince Felix Ashford******DS[44]: Victor Keith Ashford
-DW[39]: Bianca Yseult [Avila] Ashford-DS[14]: Oakley Ryan Ashford
-DD[10]: Marlow Campbell Ashford
-DS[7]: Sutton Abel Ashford
-DD[4]: Nova Paisley Ashford
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DH[72]: Zephaniah GilbertZeph’ Arthurson
DW[72]: Susanna RobertaSue’ Arthurson [Flanagan]DD[51]: Lillian Geraldine Arthurson
DS[46]: Alexander ZephaniahAlec’ Arthurson
DS[44]: Vincent KirkVince’ Arthurson******DD[51]: Lillian Arthurson
-DH[52]: Oliver David Ahlgren-DD[30]: Wendy Lillian Ahlgren-Dedrick
--DH[30]: Zachary BernardZachDedrick
--DS[9]: Finnegan AlexanderFinnDedrick
--DS[5]: Harrison MarcusHarryDedrick-DD[26]: Olivia RosalindLiv’ Ahlgren
--DH[29]: Timoteo KermanTim’ Jaso
--DD[exp]: Xanthia Paulina Jaso ******DS[46]: Alec Arthurson
-DW[44]: Marybeth Leigh Arthurson [Fitzroy]-DD[21]: Eleanor ClaireElla’ Arthurson

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