I think you're wrong because African-Americans happily used the names that whites did until the 1960s Civil Rights
Era. It was when they started refusing to accept white oppression that the naming culture originated. I think that that rebellion caused them to want to express pride in their race, and naming was a way to do that. The rebellion and pride were a reaction to the oppression.
I think you're wrong because
Mohammed Ali said that
Cassius Clay was his slave name.
I don't think that all blacks, especially nowadays, who use African-American names are consciously thinking when they choose the name, "Take that, white oppression", but that's still how the naming culture originated.
I also think it doesn't really matter. It's still offensive to ridicule the names of another culture, when you are not of that culture, and the reason that you find the name ridiculous
is that you're not of that culture. It's no different than ridiculing Native American names. (I know that your response didn't justify ridiculing the names, just making the point at this time.)