[Opinions] Re: Purdey or Ayshea?
in reply to a message by m4yb3_daijirou
That would be the New Avengers, right? Totally hilarious send-up of all things Patriotic Spy; as I understand it, when Patrick McNee was too old and rickety to be an action hero, he needed two sidekicks to mentor while they saved civilisation, one high kick at a time. In one episode, I swear a villain was offed by having McNee's character throw his bowler hat at him - perhaps the brim was poisoned? (Decades later of course, life almost imitated art.)
If Mr Pie enjoys female legs, I'm sure he'll gladly join you in a binge-watch, she says from experience.
If Mr Pie enjoys female legs, I'm sure he'll gladly join you in a binge-watch, she says from experience.