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[Facts] A Challenge (Barron)
Okay on the site the name Barron doesn't exist. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the background or where this name started?
It is my fiance's name, its been the name of the first male child for 3 or 4 generations in his family (Henry Barron). As to ethnic background..all I can add is that he is caucasin (can't spell...forgive me), and I know there's a mixture of English/Irish/American Indian in his blood. Thanks in advance to anyone who spends time on this little puzzle. ~Melissa
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Agree . . .
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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Very cool, thank you for finding those sites.I feel alittle silly now, seeing as I could have probably found those on my own if I had given a little more effort. LOL~Melissa
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