[Facts] Re: Katana
A katana is a famous kind of Japanese sword: http://snipurl.com/oclf. It merely means "sword, blade" in Japanese.BtN used to have Katana entered into the database, but for some reason Mike C appears to have taken it out. You can still see the entry pseudo-cached on Answers.com: http://snipurl.com/oclk.EDIT: Typo

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This message was edited 3/29/2006, 12:53 AM

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Is the meaning something wonderful?  ·  Ineevia  ·  3/28/2006, 11:59 PM
Re: Katana  ·  Miranda  ·  3/29/2006, 12:52 AM
Re: Katana  ·  Ineevia  ·  3/29/2006, 2:59 AM