[Facts] Re: Adding to what Dawn said...
I won't call Dawn's opinion a common error. In fact, the Germanic stem *raidō "to ride" has developped a monophthongal long a sound in Old English only, the High German cognates exhibit an ei diphthong. It seems far-fetched to assume Old English sounds for something like Burgundian at the Southern fringe of the Germanic speaking region.
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Surnames.  ·  Eileen  ·  6/13/2016, 12:41 PM
Re: Surnames.  ·  thegriffon  ·  7/6/2016, 8:01 PM
Re: Surnames.  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  6/13/2016, 2:02 PM
Re: Surnames.  ·  Anneza, nsi  ·  6/14/2016, 6:17 AM
Adding to what Dawn said...  ·  m4yb3_daijirou  ·  6/14/2016, 1:46 PM
Re: Adding to what Dawn said...  ·  thegriffon  ·  7/6/2016, 6:25 PM
Re: Adding to what Dawn said...  ·  elbowin  ·  7/7/2016, 10:12 AM
Re: Adding to what Dawn said...  ·  thegriffon  ·  7/12/2016, 2:06 AM
Re: Adding to what Dawn said...  ·  thegriffon  ·  7/12/2016, 6:28 AM
Re: Surnames.  ·  Dawn  ·  6/14/2016, 1:17 PM