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[Opinions] Woman Gives Birth to Three Sets of Twins in Five Years!
Just watched a video today featuring this couple. Andrea and Mark Rivas welcomed three sets of twins in a five-year period. The first two sets were with IVF and the third set happened naturally without trying. Even better, Andrea carried twins for a couple she met while undergoing IVF.Their names:1st set: Conor (b) and Avery (g) (actual spellings)
3rd set: Leah and Elise (assuming these are the spellings)I don't know the names of the second set of twins for the other couple, however, they were a boy and girl. What a great thing she did for that couple!Overall, the names aren't bad. I especially like Leah and Elise although I'm not sure I'd pair them together.
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Just to clarify ...since there were so many comments about why this woman, Andrea, chose to carry for her friend.She and her husband had been TTC for years with no success. When they finally went the IVF route, that also took awhile to work. During that period, she met another woman who had also been TTC for years. She and her dh had suffered several miscarriages and the IVF hadn't been successful either. Andrea and this woman bonded. After Andrea finally conceived, she still maintained her friendship with the other woman.After the first set of twins was born, at some point, she offered to carry for the other couple since they'd had no luck with IVF. Re: why the clinic allowed Andrea to carry for her friend not long after her own twins were born, I was surprised at that as well, but what's done is done. Apparently, they're still besties.The third set was totally unexpected. They weren't trying and hadn't planned for future children. I don't know if Andrea's body was primed for another twin pregnancy after the previous two, but whatever, it happened.
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I really like Conor and Elise. I suppose Leah somewhat goes in the set with those two, but Avery seems really out there.
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Yeah I agree. Amy or Ava would have fit in nicely.
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Elise is pretty! The rest are meh (for me).I also think it's nice that they did surrogacy.
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I like that they spelled Conor that way but nothing else here is very interesting.
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I knew IVF HAD to be involved before I even opened up the thread. So obvious enough. Having conceived 3 sets of twins naturally would definitely shock me. Connor & Avery: Both great names and they sound excellent together
Leah & Elise: Both great\ok names but as what you said, I wouldn't pair them together as well. Even if they weren't twin siblings.
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I can't even with your comment below, but I think I can be calm enough to just set some facts straight here:IVF rarely results in a pregnancy of multiples. It is a misconception that people seem to have who don't have any real knowledge of fertility treatments. No more than 2 embryos are transferred for IVF, excluding the rare ridiculous case that would get spread all over media. But any real doctor would never do that, and many people only chose to transfer one. When I did IVF we did two and I only gave birth to one child.FWIW, the procedure that is the one that would ever result in those higher order multiples that we hear about is IUI used negligently.
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Yeah, the high incidence of assisted fertility multiples used to be down to too many embryos, but since they've hauled that in it's down to clomid causing multiple eggs to be released.It's one of the reasons that Ellie doesn't want us to go down the clinic route if we can help it - they generally want you to take clomid to give IUI the best chance of working, and we're not sure we could handle twins :D
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Oy vay. From what I always heard about fertility treatments is that multiple embreyos are transplanted, creating multiple babies (providing if all of them survive or don't get aborted) and increasing the chances of twins and other multiples. Apparently, all that is false information. Even if I was in fact fed false information, there no need to make me out the bad guy here, like my statement was disrespectful or ignorant. (Your opening line implies that) was that really necessary? My information was perhaps misguided but I wasn't at all trying to be rude but rather stating what I thought was the truth. So I'm sorry
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I'm totally calm and not offended that you have been given misinformation about IVF. I was not calm and was offended at your comment below (which I read first) that insinuated that it's so easy to have a baby you can either do it naturally or adopt and if you don't adopt and instead choose to use treatments to have one biologically then your child isn't a real human. I can tell you right now that my daughter is 100% the same as anyone else, as are all babies that just so happened to have been conceived outside of the womb and then put back in within a few days.
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My husband's mom had two sets of twins naturally. I'm sure she could have had a third set if she'd went for it, but 4 kids in 2 years was probably enough.
Sometimes IVF doesn't have to be involved, twins run pretty aggressively in this family, you can actually trace them up her family tree. No generation skipping and every set of twins in the past 3 generations got matching initials.
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My SO's cousin also had two sets of twins naturally.
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I'm surprised those doctors let her have that many twins in succession. After a normal birth they recommend waiting 2 years to regenerate the nurtient stores. Conor is not my style and I really dislike that Avery is now considered female. I really like Leah and Elise.
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I don't get why you'd go through IVF to carry a baby or two for somebody else. Ugh.
They need to quit before they end up with a litter of ten or something.
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Some people have pregnancy fetishes. I've met a couple people in my own city who have done this or want to. It's a bizarre win-win situation: they get to be pregnant, and people who want a baby get a baby.
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Part of me would be tempted to do that. I love being pregnant. My mood is elevated, like I'm on a permanent high. But i wouldn't because there are enough people on the earth, and so many kids that need homes, even though adoption is so difficult these days. I personally wouldn't feel right adding to the population with an ivf pregnancy (for me or anyone else). But for other people, whatever. I can't judge. I am friends with people who have done it all, and chosen all outcomes (ivf kids, surrogacy kids, adopted kids, being childfree due to infertility). They are all good people and the kids are too. I can only choose for myself.Anyway, surrogacy pregnancies are illegal in my state. :P

This message was edited 12/24/2015, 10:08 AM

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If you've done enough injections and been through IVF already, it's really not that terrible of a procedure. I'd imagine being a surrogate though, she wouldn't have gone through the entire process, only the embryo transfer. That's not a very invasive procedure at all.
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Finally, someone else who feels the exact same way as I do on this topic!
IVF & Sturgancies (ugh, spelling) make me feel as though the babies are more of a product rather than a human being. I don't get why people can't just conceive a child naturally or adopt. That's how I feel.
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This is an exceptionally ignorant point of view, btw.
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?? People specifically go through IVF because they physically can't "just conceive a child naturally". It's not, like, for fun, to spend thousands of dollars on an invasive surgery.
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And adoption is not exactly a walk in the park either.
And in some countries it's basically not even an option at all.
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I don't get why people adopt. That's how I feel.
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Are you effing kidding me?
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Adoption is a HUGE industry. It costs a lot of money to adopt an infant. How is that any less making a product of a baby than IVF?Not to mention that growing a family thru adoption (especially infant domestic adoptions) are at the pain of the childs birth family who may have been pressured into placing into the first and then has no guarantee of an open adoption actually staying open. Where as IVF doesnt hurt the birth family in the same way adoption could. Not to mention, there are plenty of studies that suggest adoptees struggle more in their adult life and many wish they were never adopted.
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It seems to me that IVF is for couples who are unable to conceive naturally, in which case, why would somebody go through it for somebody else if not for pure profit? Makes me think their fertility clinic plays pretty fast and loose when accepting patients.
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IVF is often used for surrogate pregnancies. Assn egg from the mother and sperm for the father are used, allowing them to have a biological child. This method is often used with gay men, although in that case the woman's eggs are used.Some women can conceive but not be able to carry the child for whatever reason.
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