Well, I wouldn't try to talk you out of it; I occasionally suggest
Glory as a middle name, though I don't see any reason why it can't work as a first name as well. The word has broader meaning and association than just its use in religious context and I would not assume a parent who chose it necessarily did so for religious reasons. Personally, it brings a good bit of nature imagery to mind...sunrise, sun reflected in dew drops, Morning
Glory flowers, etc. I also think it has a bit of spunk to it. Of your list, I best like the feel/flow of...
Adelaide Glory - plays up the spunkiness
Helena Glory - seeing her reading a book in a field of flowers
Emilia GloryKatarina GloryMiriam Glory - this one does feel religious in tone, no problem for me
Vivian Glory - this also plays up the nature feel for me
I'm not familiar with your style, but this is GP so perhaps you might like...
Ailsa GloryAthena GloryAudra GloryClementine GloryCorinne GloryDanica GloryElspeth GloryMillicent Glory - I like this reversed, too
Nina GloryRosamund GlorySigrid GloryTamsin GloryWilhelmina GloryWinifred Glory