This concept is inspired by Loki. Each round, I'll ask a question. Your answer will determine the namebank you will use in the next round. Namebanks will greatly vary in terms of how easy I expect it will be to pick names you like from them. Are you feeling lucky?
Sign-ups - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
Round 6 Question: Which island nation?
Australia, Cuba, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom
Banshee] Benny Björn Claude-Henri Hubert Jørgen Lenny Maurice Mario Nicola Otto Rolf Serge Udo Willy
Bogeyman] Alec Christopher Clive Frederick Graham Isaiah Jan Lachlan Laurence Morgan Rudolph Scott Walter Zachariah
Ghost] Candice Clair Cress Elesa Erika Fantina Flannery Gardenia Janine Korrinna Liza Olympia Roxanne Skyla Whitney
Mummy] Danette Donita Doretha Jacklyn Jewell Madonna Marilee Mercedes Mickey Queen Sherryl Twyla Virgie Vonda
Lich] Aurelie Amelia Avril Bianca Clementine Dahlia Ellen Evadne Guinevere Imogen Lydia Maddalena Noelle Summer
Skeleton] Angus Archimedes Bruno Cerberus Domino Figaro Hal Ivan Maximus Milton Percy Rex Ronnie Tito
Vampire] Amity April Charity Coral Dawn Elsie Emerald Joy Marigold Molly Opal Poppy Ruby Sadie
Werebear] Albrecht Apollo Basilio Billy Coppelius Don Franz Gennaro Hans-Peter Hilarion Jean Leontes Sancho Siegfried
Wraith] Archibald Caspian Connor Desmond Faulkner Garrison Howard Jesse Joel Leland Maxim Orson Thomas Willoughby
Zombie] Addison Berkley Brooke Courtney Delaney Harlow Kelsey Mallory Paige Quinn Shelby Sloane Taylor Vega