This concept is inspired by Loki. Each round, I'll ask a question. Your answer will determine the namebank you will use in the next round. Namebanks will greatly vary in terms of how easy I expect it will be to pick names you like from them. Are you feeling lucky?
Sign-ups - 1 -
Round 3 Question: Which adjective?
Adorable, Black, Fluttering, Grumpy, Inquisitive, Ill-informed, Nauseating, Panoramic, Silent, Supreme
Dark Venetian Red] Abigail Aurora Anya Callie Clarke Diana Echo Emori Harper Keenan Lorelei Maya Octavia Raven
Fuzzy Wuzzy] Amerigo Christopher Clark Edmund Ferdinand Francisco Hernando Leif Lewis Jacques Marco Neil Samuel Vasco
Goldenrod] Arthur Bret Cristobal Gustav Gordon Harvey Isidore Karl Nate Peter Philippe Teddy Tony Walter
Jazzberry Jam] Alanis Briony Camelia Corinna Fredricka Leandra Isla Jeanette Josephine Juniper Miela Noelle Svetlana Sybil
Jungle Green] Adairous Aurek Babylon Dagon Green Harlan Kirben Ozbourne Ridley Swade Tyrannus Warrick Xaiden Zen
Mango Tango] Boris Cousteau Clay Elmer Huck Gaston Keaton Monty Roald Rocket Spike Stu Walker Whitney
Purple Heart] Agatha Anne Ayn Charlotte Chimamamanda Danielle Emily Jane Joyce Simone Sylvia Virginia Willa Zora
Robin's Egg Blue] Anita Audrey Beulah Carmen Diane Eloise Fifi Flora Hazel Ione Janet Joan Marilyn Opal Roxanne
Tickle Me Pink] Brea Charlene Cleo Deja Fay Harlow Jolie Luella Odalis Oona Shania Solange Tamika Zuri
Wild Blue Yonder] Auguste Cecil Christian Cordell Ernesto Fredrik Klas Léon Linus Philip René Theodore Tobias Woodrow