My fiancé, from whom it is difficult to elicit favorite names (he claims he's "never thought about it"), told me recently that he wouldn't mind naming a daughter after his grandmother, Marguerite. We plan to name our first daughter Genevieve (after
my grandmother), but I love Marguerite, and wouldn't mind using it if we have a second daughter.
A few questions/concerns:
1. What do you think of Genevieve and Marguerite as sisters? Is it too French a pair for non-French people? The surname would be a pretty common English surname.
2. I have a niece named Margaret. Do you think it would be odd for me to name my daughter Marguerite when my sister has a Margaret? Margaret goes by Greta (though she's called Margaret in school), and I think we'd call a daughter named Marguerite "Margo" for short, but I'd still feel a bit weird about giving my daughter a different form of my niece's name. To add to that, Greta's middle name is Genevieve, so she'd be getting double-whammy honoring if she had cousins named Genevieve and Marguerite. Thoughts?
I was excited that my fiancé finally brought up a name he likes and even more excited that it's one I like. Unfortunately there may be some downsides.