[Facts] Re: LUTGARBA
Are you sure it was Lutgarba instead of Lutgarda? According to Slownik imion by Wanda Janowa et. al., Lutgarda is a feminine form of Luitgard used in Poland, Spain, and Italy.
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LUTGARBA  ·  Miriam  ·  3/3/2006, 12:15 AM
Re: LUTGARBA  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  3/6/2006, 9:44 AM
Re: LUTGARBA  ·  Andy ;—)  ·  3/3/2006, 5:15 AM
Re: LUTGARBA  ·  Anneza  ·  3/3/2006, 2:57 AM
Re: LUTGARBA  ·  Miriam  ·  3/3/2006, 6:42 AM