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[Opinions] Do these twin names work together?
Tobias/Tobiah Malachi and Rosette/Rosalie Seraphina.Obviously I can't decide which first name I want to use, but I want to make sure that whichever one I do choose they "go together" but aren't obvious or ridiculous. Naming twins is really hard!!! Basically any help you can give me would be amazing!!!Also I have an Isaiah Gabriel and Zachariah Xavier.
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I like Tobias Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina. The combos sound nice as individual names, but work well for siblings too. They also fit nicely with your other names.
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They all work find together. I personally like Tobiah and Rosalie best.
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I think they work well. They aren't too matchy or themey.
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Well, Tobiah, Isaiah and Zachariah is faaar too much, but Tobias seems to stick out like a sore thumb. Are you stuck on the Tob- names? It's just that I can't warm to them either way, even as a bystander to the naming. Your choice, but it's either gonna be weird and Children-of-the-corn-y or disjointed, in my opinion.Malachi is okay, but Malachy is nicer.Rosette is...argh, I'm not gonna be mean, but it's not my style at all. I think it's very out-of-dated and won't work well in real life.Rosalie Seraphina is pretty but not interesting. It's nice but a little frilly and a little dull. It's very BtN-ish, very namenerdish and maybe a little bit flimsy. I think it needs a more sensible first or middle name to ground that whimsy.Eh, I'd go for the 'safer' (according to some) but more practical Tobias and Rosalie. Tobiah could work, if you want to be super matchy with boys' names, but I really wouldn't go for Rosette.

This message was edited 1/5/2015, 3:59 PM

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Thank you. What would you pick instead of what we've chosen?I do want to use and "angel" type name for the middle spot and Rose or a version of that must be in the girls name, it honors my family.

This message was edited 1/5/2015, 6:36 PM

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Rose names - what about Rosalind or Rosamund? Both have a Rose element, and plenty of nickname choices.
Failing that, Rose and Rosa -as first names- could be quite charming. They might seem dull, but in this day and age they're a breath of fresh air.Seraphina is a nice enough name, but with a very girly first name it's too much. What about Seraphine? It's more subdued but just as feminine.Angel name suggestions:
Gabriel could become Gabriella or Gabrielle
Raphael could become Raphaelle or Raphaela or Rafaela
Michael has lots of female variants
Ariel could work as a girls' name these days? Or you could try Ariella or Arielle. Not my style, but another angel name.Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
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Tobias/Tobiah Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina go quite well togther! Rosette doesn't quite go with the other names as its a bit too unusual. I would think about switching Seraphina to Seraphine. Rosalie Seraphina sounds nice but I think Rosalie Seraphine works even better!
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I was wondering if it would work better as well. Her whole name would be Rosalie Seraphina/Seraphine Marie. I thought maybe the A ending would help break up the rhyme but I think Seraphine works just fine. Is it too much long E sound without the A ending?
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I think Tobias goes well with either Rosette or Rosalie! Tobiah, particularly with Malachi has a little more of an intense Biblical feel that I don't think works as well with your girl's name. I also just prefer Tobias and think Tobiah might have to spell his name out a lot. Just because it's not used very much.
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As twin names go, they are just fine. Same level of spunkiness, same level of unusualness, without being matchy-matchy. So two thumbs up there.As for the individual names, I never new Rosette was a people name. I just think of the riding ribbons. I'm not digging it. Second thing that comes to mind is Rosetta Stone. I MUCH prefer Rosalie Seraphina.I love both Tobias and Tobiah, but in your case I'd stay away from another -iah ending unless you want to be stuck in a theme. Two is a coincidence and three is a theme, IMO. If I had a fourth boy, I'd feel like I had to use another -iah name. I'd hate feeling trapped like that. SO Tobias Malachi & Rosalie Seraphina GMV.LOVE the middle names.
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Thank you. These guys are probably our last but just in case we change our minds down the road it would make sense not to be settled with one set of "criteria".
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Yes, I think Tobias Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina are very nice together. I definitely prefer Tobias to Tobiah in this case since you already have Isaiah and Zachariah. If I could tweak anything, I wouldn't use Malachi paired with Tobias since they both contain the long i sound. Are there any other OT names that you love? Also, while lovely, Rosette doesn't come across as well balanced and sensible as Rosalie.BTW, Rosalie is really growing on me. Two of my dds love this name so there's a fair chance I might end up with a gdd named Rosalie one of these days!
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I was thinking of Ezra. It's my nephew's name. I do like Tobias Ezra and Tobias Jonah as well as Tobiah Thomas (if you use Tobiah, that is). The other name that was considered for my nephew's two younger brothers was Solomon. You don't hear that every day! In fact, I'm not sure how I feel about that one.
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I do like Ezra and it shares the Z sound with the other names the only problem is DH doesn't like it and it would have to be Ezra Malachi. Malachi is a name I have to use. Does Ezra Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina work?
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I think so. Ezra Malachi sounds wonderful!ETA that you still have the issue of your dh not liking Ezra. BTW, when my nephew was born, I absolutely hated his name, however, it grew on me quickly. He's called Ez much of the time and I've come to really appreciate the name.

This message was edited 1/5/2015, 5:09 PM

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Here is my other question. If I use Ezra and we decide to have another child, am I stuck with A ending boy names?Ez is an adorable NN!!
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Yes, Ez is pretty masculine and yet adorable, isn't it? When he was very young, we called him Ezzie and I'll admit I was a bit afraid that it would stick! ;-)Re: the a ending, I don't necessarily think you'd be stuck with a certain naming pattern. In fact, I think it would be more noticeable (in a not-so-good way) if you kept the same pattern. BTW, Ezra's brothers are Noah and Christian. Christian's name really surprised me because I wondered if he'd be named something like Elijah, Isaiah or Jonah or another ah name or even another type of OT name such as Solomon, but this works for them. And also, Christian has a different father than his older brothers (different father, different taste in names, I suppose).

This message was edited 1/5/2015, 9:01 PM

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In general, I think these combos are overstated. I believe that inventing a truly tasteful first and middle name pairing requires a strong name paired with a more understated, innocuous complement, otherwise the two names will battle each other, and create dissonance. In your examples, this is the effect for me.
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What names would you use instead?
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I think Tobiah/Tobias and Rosette/Rosalie go together just fine. I would choose Tobias, so that you don't have all three boys ending in -iah. And I would choose Rosalie, because Rosette feels a bit nickname-y next to the boys names.
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I prefer Tobias and Rosalie, and I think they go well together.
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I love Tobiah and Rosette. Very unexpected and quirky compared to Tobias and Rosalie, which are "safer", in my opinion. If you're worried they are TOO quirky, they'll have the very safe options of Toby and Rose - which is stolidly adorable. Tobiah, Isaiah, and Zachariah are a lot together though...I might pick Tobias just to switch it up a bit.
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I liked the idea of not having all three boys with -iah ending names but I worry that on paper it will look like I had two sets of twins, first boys, and then b/g because the second set of names aren't as biblical.
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Great choices :) I prefer Tobias to Tobiah in general, and especially in light of the fact that you've done the -iah suffix twice now already. For that reason, I would probably avoid it altogether and go for something less expected, but it's a solid choice. I much prefer Rosetta to Rosette, but I like Rosalie best regardless. My favorite Rose name is Rosemary and just Rose, but Rosalie would be next in line ;) I dig the theme-y middles. Congratulations!
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Thank you!. Is the connection between the middle names too obvious?
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I think Tobias and Rosalie work well together and are both great names. I also think they will go well with the names of your other children.
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Yes !!! I think they're wonderful and work really well. They're not obvious or ridiculous in any way.
I like Tobiah Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina.
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agreed. Tobiah Malachi and Rosalie Seraphina. Rosette doesn't mesh as well... and Tobias seems a bit out of place considering your -iah theme. Though, I like both boy options.
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Thank you. Rosette is kind of off isn't it.
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I think so... but other variations might work, like Rosine, Rosalind, Rosanna, or even Roselle. My favorite is Rosalba, but that won't match your style. I think Rosalie is really your best match and it is a lovely name.
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I had looked at the possibility of using Roselle but our last name starts with an L and it kind of runs together.
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Thank you so much!!
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