This is because Love wanted a hippy name for herself. :)
All you've got to do is give me your first and middle names, and I'll anagram a genuine, one-of-a-kind Hippy Name out of them for you.
Here are some of the "regulars" on this board, with their Hippy Names:
Sarahjeanne="Sahara Jenne"
Diana Marie="Raini Dream"
Phyllis Faye="Sylphia Lyfe"
Dave Cargill="Dev'll Garcia" (remembering Jerry Garcia)
Michael Dylan="Danyell Chaim" (Chaim is Hebrew for "Life")
Nanaea Rachel="Hannalee Cara" (as in Puff's "Land of Honalee")
Pavlos ? (Hey, P.L.! I forgot what you recently said was your middle name. Constantine? Contantinos? Konstantinos?)
-- Nanaea (a.k.a. Hannalee Cara)