Last night Mikey mentioned that he would like to use this name someday to honor a friend of his who died in a car accident. I think that's a nice idea, but it's not really up there on my list. Mikey is fine with it being in the MN position, and I am thrilled that he actually talks to me about names regardless of the fact that we won't be having need for them for quite some time. :)
WDYT? Anything spring to mind to pair with it?
For names I like, check my personal name list, found in my profile by clicking on my username (jcb) or following this link: I'm looking for new ideas so I'd rather you not just pair Joseph with the things I already like because I very easily could have done that myself. Use my favorites as inspiration. :)

This message was edited 2/27/2006, 1:32 PM