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[Games] CAF Generation
H: [89] Elmo, Octave, Prospero, Gennaro, Columbus, Domenico / Wightman, Waverley, Wentworth, Wallcott, Weatherbie, Wetherly (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Charlotte, Susannah, Candance, Lesley, Martha, Matilda / Trisha, Summer, Bethany, Samantha, Tia, Elisha (LN: Brown)D1: [68] Catherine, Anne, Elise, Leah, Miriam, Joanna / Priscilla, Johanna, Charlotte, Rachael, Anna, Nina
S1: [67] Seth, James, Jacob, Adam, Daniel, Justin / Ian, Jonathan, Abner, Ryan, Ethan, Evan
D2: [65] Sunshine, Ava, Lissette, Elissa, Tennille, Tobi / Tabitha, Hannah, Spring, Maribel, Susana, Davina
D3: [61] Erma, Opal, Ernestine, Bernice, Thelma, Myrtle / Estelle, Merle, Hester, Elvira, Irma, Lois
S2: [59] David, Christopher, Moses, Jay, Reuben, Joseph / Jesse, John, Jacob, Jack, Joel, Samuel
S3: [57] Father's name
D4: [55] Cheryl, Denise, Victoria, Deborah, Theresa, Diane / Peggy, Donna, Ramona, Cindy, Karen, Saundra
S4: [53] Emmett, Solomon, Moses, Asa, Asher, Samuel / Joseph, Benjamin, Simon, Henry, Hiram, Alva
S5: [51] Saxton, Selwynn, Sebastian, Shannon, Shelden, Summerton / Stephen, Steen, Stern, Swain, Shayn, Sevryn
S6: [49] Benjamin, Simon, John, Mitchell, Jacob, Reuben / William, Michael, David, Oliver, Robert, Paul
S7: [47] Simon, Samuel, John, Michael, Oliver, Reuben / Isaac, Matthew, Jay, David, Nathaniel, Joel******
D1: [68]
H: [68] Elliot, Russell, Vaughn, Richard, Wilson, Byron / Spencer, John, Matthew, Henry, Thomas, Clayton (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67]
exW: [67] Joanna, Ava, Lydia, Miriam, Anna, Leah / Nina, Sarah, Elisa, Elisabeth, Rebecca, Mary (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Mother's name // Joseph, Jacob, Henry, Christian, Byron, Thomas / James, Aaron, Miles, Blaine, Graham, Stephen
-D'sH: [34] Isaac, Nathaniel, Henry, Reuben, Benjamin, Moses / Stephen, Simon, Hudson, Matthew, David, Saul (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Mother's name
-D: [8] Johanna, Anna, Elise, Amelia, Charlotte, Carol / Emilie, Albertine, Addie, Nan, Carole, Etta
-D: [4] Margaret, Elizabeth, Elsa, Tabitha, Rachel, Laura (MN is mother's maiden name)
-D: [1] Lucille, Louisa, Kate, Belle, Emmaline, Estella / Violet, Hattie, Heloise, Adele, Lila, Marion
-D: [exp] Ann, June, Myra, Glenna, Nancy, Maryann / Ana, Isabella, Grace, Lena, Lucia, Magdalena-S'sW: [35] Annie, Michaela, Eva, Grace, Hannah, Isabel / Ava, Deborah, Josephine, Elisa, Jezebel, Mariah (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eliza, Maude, Charlotte, Henrietta, Genevieve, Eleanor / Leonore, Audra, Coralie, Claire, Christabel, Beatrice
-D: [1] Georgiana, Matilde, Emmaline, Estella, Charlotte, Alberta / Mathilda, Beatrix, Genevieve, Annetta, Geneva, AntoninaW: [44] Sally, Elizabeth, Judith, Joan, Marie, Anne / Mona, Charlotte, Barbara, Nita, Nancy, Ruth (LN: Sears)S: [24] Henry, Thomas, Stephen, Richard, Charles, Wade (MN is mother's maiden name)
S: [17] Robert, Harrison, Graham, Alan, Wade, Edward / Oliver, Edward, Robert, Hugh, Jarvis, Rudolph
D: [14] Mother's name******
D2: [65]
H: [70] Davis, Oliver, Jack, Michael, Kenneth, Joseph / Miles, James, Lawrence, Warren, Wesley, Dexter (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Mother's name
-H: [45] Raymond, Stephen, Forrest, Vance, Stuart, Preston / Elliott, Simon, Dean, Peter, Charles, Emmett (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Father's name
-W: [33] Samantha, Elizabeth, Virginia, Norma, Anna, Beth / Tabitha, Priscilla, Charlotte, Rafaela, Ella, Bethany (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Granville, Oliver, Felix, Ari, Jacob, Nimrod / Noah, David, Jefferson, Leo, Ephraim, Isaac
-S: [6] Father's name
-S: [5] Matthias, Reuben, Barnabas, Ephraim, Judah, Ishmael / Jabez, Samson, Absalom, Axel, Joachim, Barhtolomew
-S: [3] Michael, Samuel, Reuben, James, Dallas, Jacob / Benjamin, Simon, John, Mitchell, Dexter, Davis
-D: [1] Aubrea, Araya, Annamaria, Alecsandra, Agatha, Adellena / Apollonia, Augusta, Aquilla, Antonetta, Allysia, AnastasiaS: [40] Hardy, Emery, Kiefer, Simpson, Oliver, Aubrey / Sinclair, Baldwin, Emory, Archibald, Dorsey, Garrison
-W: [33] Lucretia, Junia, Vienna, Isadora, Rena, Emmaline / Leta, Lida, Charlotte, Marsha, Lucie, Lyda (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Grandfather's name
S: [36] Akeem, Anderson, Levi, Elisha, Jacob, Eli / Malachi, Jonas, Jovan, Abraham, Jonah, ElijahD: [30] Tammy, Bessie, Lucretia, Sue, Patricia, Nancy / Betty, Abbie, Lou, Prudence, Elsie, Bess
-H: [30] Benjamin, Nathaniel, Jack, Joseph, William, Michael / Daniel, Reuben, David, Thomas, Simon, Paul (LN: Gardner)S: [28] Moses, Joseph, Nathan, Matthew, Ishmael, Andrew / Duncan, Nimrod, Alexander, Nathaniel, Saul, Dean
-W: [25] Mia, Amelia, Esme, Zoe, Ella, Ivy / Lila, Lily, Phoebe, Ava, Lyda, Cleo (LN: Turner)D: [26] Eleanor, Avril, Faye, Josephine, Jewel, Violet / Sophie, Amber, Rose, Nia, June, LouiseD: [23] Linda, Hannah, Cynthia, Marla, Peggy, Vicki / Theresa, Patricia, Bonita, Kathleen, Sandra, Kathy
-H: [21] Cyrus, Michael, Raphael, Amos, Samuel, Noah / Elisha, David, Joseph, Augustus, Phineas, Simon (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61]
H: [64] Ezra, Gideon, Japheth, Samson, Hezekiah, Matthias / Ephraim, Zachariah, Barnabas, Caleb, Jonathan, Ishmael (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Anna, Emma, Olivia, Madelyn, Amelia, Molly / Atara, Jael, Elizabeth, Mehitabel, Dinah, MadelineS: [29] Father's name
-W: [25] Charlotte, Ella, Sadie, Hanna, Sophia, Betsy / Annabel, Beulah, Zilla, Delilah, Adina, Leah (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Father's name
-S: [nb] Simon, Benjamin, David, Michael, Emmanuel, Stephen / Reuben, James, Samuel, Oliver, Moses, JosephS: [26] Hiram, Lemuel, Dudley, Jethro, Enos, Abner / Zack, Jess, Clark, Solomon, Abe, Jabez
-W: [22] Martha, Lydia, Sarah, Rebecca, Rose, Naomi / Bethany, Claudia, Magdalen, Emily, Grace, Mercy (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Jack, Moses, Joseph, Benjamin, Jesse, Ruben / Ivan, Raphael, Nicholas, James, Mitchell, Samuel
-S: [exp] Father's nameD: [24] Desire, Dominique, Dezaree, Darcee, Destiny, Darlenne / Denise, Dejonae, Danielle, Darylle, Diore, Dejanelle
S: [22] Simeon, Worth, Zeke, Marius, Orren, Erastus / Robinson, Elihu, Jabez, Lazarus, Moses, Zeb
D: [20] Anna, Emily, Anne, Nina, Naomi, Mary / Miriam, Leah, Beulah, Elisabeth, Leila, Hannah
S: [18] Horace, Lucius, Henry, Pervis, Sylvester, Virgil / Cassius, Fenton, Cornelius, Claude, Julius, Augustus******
S2: [59]
exW: [56] Ella, Olivia, Grace, Charity, Julia, Rose / Lydia, Nora, Annabel, Clara, Stella, Sadie (LN: Cogswell)S: [37] Noah, Eli, Ambrose, Ephraim, Gabe, Elam / Lemuel, Cyrus, Amos, Abner, Winfield, Solomon
-W: [29] Anna, Molly, Sadie, Leah, Mariah, Hadassah / Josephine, Abigail, Annie, Madeline, Michaela, Isabel (LN: Brookings)
-S/D: [5] Kane, Beck, Roan, Rowland, Burke, Keane / Reid, Jett, Pierce, Rance, Grant, Roarke // Leah, Sadie, Anna, Ivy, Corinne, Mary / Rebecca, Leila, Anne, Elizabeth, Victoria, Joanna
-S: [3] Oliver, William, James, Quentin, Steve, Clinton / Russell, Lawrence, Stuart, Forrest, Andy, Henry
-S: [exp] Willis, Porter, Cleveland, Marion, Erasmus, Charlie / Sebastian, Ira, Ulysses, Roscoe, Theophilus, ArthurS: [36] Denver, Dob, Farr, Dudd, Dru, Duer / Duke, Don, Dur, Gore, Owen, Lee
-W: [25] Angela, Joan, Corinne, Lucy, Olivia, Jody / Ann, Susannah, Leila, Audrey, Marina, Hope (LN: Lowry)
-D: [5] Judith, Polly, Sylvia, Vivian, Rita, Betsy / Marlene, Nancy, Grace, Janis, Abby, Ann
-S: [4] Stephen, Mitchell, Lazarus, Julian, Matthew, Gabriel / Dean, Andrew, Evan, Owen, Henry, Nicholas
-S: [1] Emil, Lester, Cyrus, Oliver, Turner, Elbert / Ignatius, Caius, Abner, Monroe, Mortimer, Dudley
-S: [exp] Matthew, Joseph, Thomas, Moses, Stephen, Mark / Andrew, Barnaby, Isaac, Jefferson, Barnabas, JesseS: [34] Severus, Merritt, Horatio, Willard, Tom, Pryor (MN is mother's maiden name)
-W: [34] Ida, Eleanor, Joanna, Margaret, Cora, Matilda / Edna, Livia, Magdalen, Alma, Ann, Eva (LN: Hilliard)S: [32] Simon, John, Nathan, Julian, Joseph, Michael / Jacob, Nathaniel, Noah, Levi, Anderson, Jackson
-W: [29] Rae, Flossie, Mabel, Charlotte, Bella, Annie / Molly, Pearl, Amelia, Ruby, Melba, Hazel (LN: Monroe)
-S: [6] Grandfather's name
-D: [3] Philanna, Patricianna, Priscilla, Pearl, Pamela, Pandora / Willamina, Nevaeh, Gavrilla, Silvanna, Francesca, Michaela
-S: [1] Wilbert, Major, Homer, Roman, Tullius, Atticus / Jess, Quentin, Prosper, Grover, Lon, Dillard
-D: [exp] Grandmother's nameD: [24] Mother's nameD: [23] Ivy, Marigold, Hazel, Prudence, Serenity, Elizabeth / Hope, Grace, Olive, Charity, Annalise, Jewel
-H: [23] William, Asa, Moses, Isaiah, Lemuel, Ambrose / Isaac, Jaron, Ephraim, Nimrod, Reuben, Porter (LN: Pike)W: [42] Zilla, Mahalia, Albertine, Jemima, June, Jerusha / Saida, Mahala, Bina, Sada, Delilah, Jessye (LN: Holman)S: [21] Grandfather's name
S: [19] Geoffrey, Mason, William, Jacob, Kelsey, Chadwick / Brett, Jamie, Wesley, Brant, Blake, Damon
D: [17] Achsah, Aleelah, Aubreah, Aleeshah, Alennah, Alibeth / Akirrah, Annabeth, Adriennah, Aalayah, Ashleah, Autumn
D: [15] Chablee, Carese, Collet, Clarina, Celeste, Carmel / Charlean, Connee, Cassidee, Capri, Carlis, Crystal-Lynn
D: [14] Carol, Polly, Ronnie, Becky, Susan, Sharon / Mitzi, Ella, Debby, Janice, Penny, Sally
S: [12] Asa, Noah, Aaron, Jericho, Jamin, Shane / Jeriah, Israel, Jerod, Hosea, Joseph, Jessy
D: [10] Mahalath, Charlotte, Willa, Neta, Danita, Lilith / Lisette, Lizbeth, Bettye, Olivia, Grace, Oprah
D: [8] Alberta, Wilhelmina, Charlotte, Zelda, Karla, Amalia / Hilda, Selma, Tilda, Louise, Alice, Ida******
S3: [57]
exW: [52] Viola, Barbara, Sally, Constance, Cordelia, Roma / Clara, Charlotte, Alma, Patricia, Kyra, Frances (LN: Lusk)S: [32] Moses, Isaiah, Jacob, Reuben, John, Joseph / Benjamin, Samuel, Levi, Abraham, Daniel, RobertW: [50] Heatherlee, Haileigh, Havannah, Hazaline, Harlianne, Holleigh / Hollyann, Hortense, Hillary, Hadrienne, Holliston, Henrietta (LN: Carpenter)S: [28] Dax, Dyer, Lane, Webb, Torr, Drew / Parr, Dor, Pell, Hall, Dale, Rip
-W: [25] Iris, Ivy, Christina, Molly, Aurora, Martina / Diana, Veronica, Theresa, Jacqueline, Camilla, Abby (LN: Whiting)
-D: [1] Betsy, Ruthie, Joanne, Joan, Penny, Betty / Patsy, Ronnie, Jane, Ann, Judy, Marlene
-D: [exp] Anne, Malia, Anya, Rebecca, Mila, Lena / Lydia, Leila, Charlotte, Joanna, Susanna, ElizabethS: [26] Winterford, Winston, Wainright, Warrenson, Willoughbie, Worthington / Winthrop, Walfried, Wellington, Winchell, Wolfgang, Waynewright
S/S: [22] Jonah, Jabez, Ezra, Jarred, Japheth, Benjamin / Raphael, Enos, William Pinchas, Ezekiel, Jethro // Delbert, Elwin, Amos, Moss, Ruff, Minor / Colman, Stanislaus, Regis, Otis, William, Magnus
S: [20] Staunton, St. John, Stillmann, Staffon, Sheridan, Sheehan / Savaughn, Simon, Swenson, Stephenson, Soren, Sampson
D/D: [17] Deborah, Zipporah, Mary, Noa, Michelina, Martha / Elisheva, Yaffa, Raya, Bettie, Luna, Chana // Lila, Cecily, Lillian, Tia, Frankie, Reva / Kennedy, Josephine, Audrey, Nellie, Libby, Freda
S: [10] Ramsey, Erik, Tyler, Kenton, Wilton, Dexter / Benjamin, Maynard, Edison, Donny, Manley, Tylor******
D4: [55]
H: [55] Amado, Hilary, Erwin, Garfield, Creed, Hercules / Orson, Curtis, Valentin, Enos, Miles, Albion (LN: Marcellus)D: [18] Mother's name******
S4: [53]
W: [48] Elsa, Priscilla, Rebeca, Hope, Anne, Marie / Emma, Naomi, Clare, Angela, Victoria, Charlotte (LN: Deming)S: [20] Moses, Jacob, Samuel, Alan, James, Isaac / Quentin, Duncan, Barnabas, Oliver, Eliot, Grant
S: [15] Father's name
D: [13] Rebecca, Joanna, Charlotte, Hadassah, Rachel, Elizabeth / Delilah, Elisa, Ruth, Zipporah, Samantha, Shifra******
S5: [51]
W: [47] Miriam, Eloise, Elsie, Leora, Edith, Viola / Ethel, Evelyn, Keren, Elizabeth, Scarlett, Clara (LN: Cook)D: [24] Dinah, Camilla, Deborah, Judith, Caroline, Adrienne / Sariah, Keziah, Jesse, Jerusha, Lucy, Ingrid
-H: [24] Marshall, Mitchell, Jacob, Michael, Spencer, James / Lemuel, Neal, Samson, Sterling, Johnathan, Azriel (LN: Whiting)S: [22] Rolf, Edward, Henry, Karl, Archie, Huey / Bo, Erick, Arno, Lonzo, Erik, Bert
S: [20] Pal, Ruda, Belal, Ota, Belall, Elek / Belay, Jancsi, Maxis, Miska, Kuba, Bela
S: [16] Asa, Emmett, Emil, Abner, Henry, Oliver / Moses, Jabez, Sylvester, Ezra, Alva, Elbert
D: [13] Portia, Alysia, Blayre, Zena, Deana, Sindie / Shaina, Serena, Leanna, Jerrica, Roxanne, Venessa
S: [8] Father's name
D: [5] Kay, Sally, Prudence, Abbie, Nancy, Ronnie / Bessie, Cordelia, Betty, Abby, Libbie, Lucretia******
S6: [49]
exW: [45] Bette, JO, Joan, Liza, Rita, Betty / Nita, Janet, Ann, Polly, Judith, Charlotte (LN: Langworthy)W: [43] Cathrine, Penelope, Catherine, Clare, Corinne, Caroline / Kate, Katherine, Elizabeth, Iris, Laura, Christina (LN: Ashley)******
S7: [47]
W: [45] Ava, Emma, Annora, Marina, Nina, Rebecca / Julia, Amelia, Claudia, Ivy, Victoria, Leah (LN: Robinson)S: [25] Father's name
-W: [25] Micah, Yael, Mahala, Audrey, Elisha, Judith / Keziah, Susannah, Bathsheba, Jerusha, Shifra, Arie (LN: Babcock)
-D: [exp] Sapphira, Rachel, Tabitha, Catherine, Magdalen, Martha / Mercy, Susannah, Amelia, Audrey, Cecilia, CatharineD: [24] Grace, Veronica, Mary, Sarah, Helen, Leah / Joanna, Eleanor, Katie, Antonia, Mercy, Daphne
-H: [30] Benjamin, Giles, Julian, Sebastian, Lucius, Fabian / Edgar, Claude, Guy, Benedict, Dominic, Noah (LN: Earle)
-S: [1] Benjamin, Blaine, Karl, Duncan, Dallas, Roman / Curtis, Samuel, Reid, Marshall, Quentin, Carlo******
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DH [89] Elmo Wentworth Rathbone
DW [86] Charlotte Bethany Rathbone *Brown*DD1 [68] Elise Rachael *Rathbone*
DS1 [67] Daniel Jonathan Rathbone
DD2 [65] Ava Maribel *Rathbone*
DD3 [61] Opal Lois *Rathbone*
DS2 [59] Joseph John Rathbone
DS3 [57] Elmo Wentworth Rathbone
DD4 [55] Victoria Ramona *Rathbone*
DS4 [53] Samuel Benjamin Rathbone
DS5 [51] Sebastian Shayn Rathbone
DS6 [49] Reuben Michael Rathbone
DS7 [47] Oliver Jay Rathbone*
DD1 [68] Elise Rachael Potts *Rathbone*
DH [68] Elliot Thomas Potts*
DS1 [67] Daniel Jonathan Rathbone
exW [67] Lydia Rebecca HallDD [35] Lydia Rebecca Whitehorne *Rathbone*
- DH [34] Henry Matthew Whitehorne
- DD [10] Lydia Rebecca Whitehorne
- DD [8] Amelia Etta Whitehorne
- DD [4] Elizabeth Hall Whitehorne
- DD [1] Louisa Adele Whitehorne
- DD [exp] Maryann Grace WhitehorneDS [35] Jacob Aaron Rathbone
- DW [35] Eva Josephine Rathbone *Malbone*
- DD [3] Eliza Claire Rathbone
- DD [1] Emmaline Beatrix RathboneDW [44] Marie Ruth Rathbone *Sears*DS [24] Charles Sears Rathbone
DS [17] Edward Jarvis Rathbone
DD [14] Marie Ruth Rathbone*
DD2 [65] Ava Maribel Fellows *Rathbone*
DH [70] Jack Lawrence FellowsDD [45] Ava Maribel Hunt *Fellows*
- DH [45] Preston Emmett HuntDS [42] Jack Lawrence Fellows
- DW [33] Anna Rafaela Fellows *Smith*
- DS [12] Jacob Isaac Fellows
- DS [6] Jack Lawrence Fellows
- DS [5] Judah Azel Fellows
- DS [3] James Mitchell Fellows
- DD [1] Araya Anastasia FellowsDS [40] Kiefer Archibald Fellows
- DW [33] Vienna Lucie Fellows *Winslow*DS [38] Elmo Wentworth Fellows
DS [36] Levi Jonah FellowsDD [30] Nancy Bess Gardner *Fellows*
- DH [30] William Daniel GardnerDS [28] Nathan Alexander Fellows
- DW [25] Ivy Lila Fellows *Turner*DD [26] Eleanor Rose FellowsDD [23] Hannah Bonita Cowles *Fellows*
- DH [21] Cyrus Phineas Cowles*
DD3 [61] Opal Lois Goodrich *Rathbone*
DH [64] Ezra Jonathan GoodrichDD [30] Molly Elizabeth GoodrichDS [29] Ezra Jonathan Goodrich
- DW [25] Sophia Annabel Goodrich *Perigo*

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H: [89] Domenico Wentworth "Dom" Rathbone
W: [86] Matilda Bethany "Tillie" [Brown] RathboneD1: [68] Miriam Anna
S1: [67] Jacob Ryan "Jake"
D2: [65] Elissa Maribel
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
S2: [59] David Jesse
S3: [57] Domenico Wentworth "DW"
D4: [55] Deborah Karen
S4: [53] Emmett Henry
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen
S6: [49] Benjamin Paul "Ben"
S7: [47] Oliver Jay******
D1: [68] Miriam Anna [Rathbone] Potts
H: [68] Russell Clayton Potts******
S1: [67] Jacob Ryan "Jake"
exW: [67] Lydia Elisabeth [Hall] RathboneD/S: [35] Lydia Elisabeth "Beth" [Rathbone] Whitehorne // Byron Miles
-D'sH: [34] Nathaniel Hudson "Nate" Whitehorne
-D: [10] Lydia Elisabeth "Lizzie"
-D: [8] Amelia Carole "Millie"

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H: [89] Prospero Waverley Rathbone
W: [86] Susannah Bethany [Brown] RathboneD1: [68] Catherine Johanna [Rathbone] Potts "Kate"
S1: [67] Adam Jonathan Rathbone
D2: [65] Tennille Susana [Rathbone] Fellows
D3: [61] Opal Hester [Rathbone] Goodrich
S2: [59] David Joel Rathbone
S3: [57] Prospero Waverley Rathbone II
D4: [55] Theresa Karen [Rathbone] Marcellus "Terry"
S4: [53] Samuel Joseph Rathbone "Sam"
S5: [51] Saxton Stephen Rathbone
S6: [49] Benjamin Robert Rathbone "Ben"
S7: [47] John Matthew Rathbone******
D1: [68] Catherine Johanna [Rathbone] Potts "Kate"
H: [68] Richard Henry Potts "Rick"******
S1: [67] Adam Jonathan Rathbone
exW: [67] Leah Rebecca [Hall] RathboneD/S: [35] Leah Rebecca [Rathbone] Whitehorne // Henry James Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Nathaniel Simon Whitehorne
-D: [10] Leah Rebecca Whitehorne
-D: [8] Johanna Emilie Whitehorne
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne
-D: [1] Lucille Marion Whitehorne
-D: [exp] Ann Magdalena Whitehorne-S'sW: [35] Michaela Josephine [Malbone] Rathbone
-D: [3] Eleanor Beatrice Rathbone "Nora"
-D: [1] Charlotte Annetta Rathbone "Lottie"W: [44] Elizabeth Ruth [Sears] Rathbone "Beth"S: [24] Henry Sears Rathbone
S: [17] Robert Edward Rathbone "Rob"
D: [14] Elizabeth Ruth Rathbone "Libby"******
D2: [65] Tennille Susana [Rathbone] Fellows
H: [70] Joseph Lawrence FellowsD: [45] Tennille Susana [Fellows] Hunt
-H: [45] Stephen Elliott HuntS: [42] Joseph Lawrence Fellows, Jr.
-W: [33] Virginia Bethany [Smith] Fellows "Ginny"
-S: [12] Oliver David Fellows
-S: [6] Joseph Lawrence Fellows III
-S: [5] Matthias Bartholomew Fellows "Matty"
-S: [3] Jacob Mitchell Fellows
-D: [1] Annamaria Apollonia FellowsS: [40] Emery Sinclair Fellows
-W: [33] Isadora Leta [Winslow] Fellows "Dora"S: [38] Waverly Prospero Fellows
S: [36] Anderson Jonah FellowsD: [30] Lucretia Prudence [Fellows] Gardner "Pru"
-H: [30] William David GardnerS: [28] Matthew Duncan Fellows "Matt"
-W: [25] Ella Phoebe [Turner] Fellows D: [26] Josephine Amber Fellows "Josie"

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H: [89] Elmo Wallcott Rathbone
W: [86] Martha Bethany (Brown) Rathbone
D1: [68] Leah Priscilla Rathbone
S1: [67] Adam Ethan Rathbone
D2: [65] Elissa Susana Rathbone
D3: [61] Opal Hester Rathbone
S2: [59] David Jesse Rathbone
S3: [57] Elmo Wallcott Rathbone "Wally"
D4: [55] Deborah Karen Rathbone "Debbie"
S4: [53] Samuel Benjamin Rathbone "Sam"
S5: [51] Shelden Stephen Rathbone
S6: [49] Mitchell Robert Rathbone "Mitch"
S7: [47] John Nathaniel Rathbone******
D1: [68] Leah Priscilla [Rathbone] Potts
H: [68] Russell Thomas Potts******
S1: [67] Adam Ethan Rathbone
exW: [67] Joanna Elisabeth Hall D/S: [35] Joanna Elisabeth (Rathbone) Whitehorne / Joseph Aaron Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Isaac David Whitehorne
-D: [10] Joanna Elisabeth Whitehorne 
-D: [8] Charlotte Emilie Whitehorne 
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne
-D: [1] Emmaline Adele Whitehorne
-D: [exp] June Magdalena Whitehorne-S'sW: [35] Hannah Mariah (Malbone) Rathbone
-D: [3] Eleanor Claire Rathbone
-D: [1] Georgiana Beatrix RathboneW: [44] Judith Nancy (Sears) RathboneS: [24] Charles Sears Rathbone "Charlie"
S: [17] Edward Jarvis Rathbone "Eddie"
D: [14] Judith Nancy Rathbone "Judy"******
D2: [65] Elissa Susana (Rathbone) Fellows
H: [70] Kenneth Lawrence FellowsD: [45] Elissa Susana (Fellows) Hunt "Lisa"
-H: [45] Raymond Dean Hunt "Ray"S: [42] Kenneth Lawrence Fellows "Ken"
-W: [33] Virginia Charlotte (Smith) Fellows "Ginny"
-S: [12] Oliver Jefferson Fellows
-S: [6] Raymond Dean Fellows
-S: [5] Matthias Bartholomew Fellows
-S: [3] James Dexter Fellows
-D: [1] Agatha Anastasia FellowsS: [40] Emery Sinclair Fellows
-W: [33] Junia Lucie (Winslow) FellowsS: [38] Elmo Wallcott Fellows "Elm"
S: [36] Anderson Jonas FellowsD: [30] Patricia Lou (Fellows) Gardner "Tricia"
-H: [30] Michael Simon GardnerS: [28] Nathan Duncan Fellows
-W: [25] Zoe Lila (Turner) FellowsD: [26] Josephine Rose Fellows "Josie"D: [23] Marla Kathleen (Fellows) Cowles
-H: [21] Noah Phineas Cowles******
D3: [61] Opal Hester (Rathbone) Goodrich

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H: [89] Domenico Waverley Rathbone
W: [86] Matilda Summer [Brown] Rathbone D1: [68] Leah Johanna Rathbone
S1: [67] James Jonathan Rathbone
D2: [65] Sunshine Tabitha Rathbone
D3: [61] Opal Estelle Rathbone
S2: [59] David Jacob Rathbone
S3: [57] Domenico Waverly Rathbone
D4: [55] Theresa Ramona Rathbone
S4: [53] Asa Benjamin Rathbone
S5: [51] Saxton Swain Rathbone
S6: [49] Simon Michael Rathbone
S7: [47] Oliver Nathaniel Rathbone Domenico and Matilda Rathbone
Leah, James, Sunny, Opal, David, Nico, Tessa, Asa, Saxton, Simon, and Oliver
D1: [68] Leah Johanna [Rathbone] Potts
H: [68] Vaughn Thomas Potts Leah and Vaughn Potts******
S1: [67] James Jonathan Rathbone
exW: [67] Miriam Elisabeth HallJames Rathbone and Miriam Hall
Miri and Henry
D/S: [35] Miriam Elisabeth [Rathbone] Whitehorne / Henry Graham Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Moses Saul Whitehorne
-D: [10] Miriam Elisabeth Whitehorne
-D: [8] Charlotte Albertine Whitehorne
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne
-D: [1] Estella Heloise Whitehorne
-D: [exp] June Magdalena WhitehorneMiri and Moses Whitehorne
Elsa, Charlotte, Tibby, Estella, and June
-S'sW: [35] Annie Josephine [Malbone] Rathbone
-D: [3] Genevieve Claire Rathbone
-D: [1] Alberta Beatrix Rathbone Henry and Annie Rathbone
Ginny and Albie
W: [44] Sally Ruth [Sears] Rathbone S: [24] Richard Sears Rathbone
S: [17] Harrison Robert Rathbone
D: [14] Sally Ruth RathboneJames and Sally Rathbone
Richard, Harris, and Ruthie
D2: [65] Sunshine Tabitha [Rathbone] Fellows
H: [70] Michael Dexter FellowsSunny and Michael Fellows
Sunshine, Dexter, Aubrey, Dom, Jacob, Nancy, Nathan, Avril, and Linda
D: [45] Sunshine Tabitha [Fellows] Hunt
-H: [45] Forrest Charles Hunt Sunshine and Forrest HuntS: [42] Michael Dexter Fellows
-W: [33] Norma Rafaela [Smith] Fellows
-S: [12] Felix Jefferson Fellows
-S: [6] Michael Dexter Fellows
-S: [5] Matthias Joachim Fellows
-S: [3] Dallas Mitchell Fellows

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This message was edited 5/5/2014, 7:49 PM

vote up1
H: [89] -- Columbus Wentworth Rathbone
W: [86] -- Susannah Bethany (Brown) RathboneD1: [68] -- Catherine Priscilla (Rathbone) Potts "Cate"
S1: [67] -- Justin Evan Rathbone
D2: [65] -- Elissa Maribel (Rathbone) Fellows
D3: [61] -- Thelma Estelle (Rathbone) Goodrich
S2: [59] -- Christopher John Rathbone
S3: [57] -- Columbus Wentworth Rathbone "Wentworth"
D4: [55] -- Victoria Ramona (Rathbone) Marcellus
S4: [53] -- Emmett Joseph Rathbone
S5: [51] -- Sebastian Stephen Rathbone
S6: [49] -- Mitchell David Rathbone
S7: [47] -- Samuel Joel Rathbone "Sam"******
D1: [68] Cate Potts
H: [68] -- Richard Spencer Potts******
S1: [67] Justin Rathbone
exW: [67] -- Ava Elisabeth HallD: [35] -- Ava Elisabeth (Rathbone) Whitehorne
-H: [34] -- Reuben Stephen Whitehorne
-D: [10] -- Ava Elisabeth Whitehorne
-D: [8] -- Charlotte Emilie Whitehorne "Charlie"
-D: [4] -- Margaret Rathbone Whitehorne "Maggie"

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vote up1
H: [89] Octave Wentworth (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Susannah Elisha (LN: Brown)D1: [68] Miriam Nina
S1: [67] Adam Jonathan
D2: [65] Ava Tabitha
D3: [61] Opal Elvira
S2: [59] Reuben Jack
S3: [57] Octave Wentworth
D4: [55] Victoria Ramona
S4: [53] Solomon Henry
S5: [51] Summerton Stephen
S6: [49] Benjamin Robert
S7: [47] Samuel Isaac******
D1: [68] Miriam Nina
H: [68] Russell Henry (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67] Adam Jonathan
exW: [67] Lydia Mary (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Lydia Mary // Henry James
-D'sH: [34] Reuben David (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Lydia Mary
-D: [8] Carol Albertine
-D: [4] Elsa Hall
-D: [1] Lucille Violet
-D: [exp] June Isabella-S'sW: [35] Isabel Josephine (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Genevieve Coralie
-D: [1] Alberta BeatrixW: [44] Anne Charlotte (LN: Sears)S: [24] Charles Sears
S: [17] Edward Robert
D: [14] Anne Charlotte******
D2: [65] Ava Tabitha
H: [70] Jack Dexter (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Ava Tabitha
-H: [45] Stephen Charles (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Jack Dexter II
-W: [33] Elizabeth Rafaela (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Felix Leo
-S: [6] Jack Dexter III
-S: [5] Matthias Barthtolomew
-S: [3] Samuel John
-D: [1] Agatha ApolloniaS: [40] Oliver Archibald
-W: [33] Isadora Leta (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Octave Wentworth
S: [36] Levi Malachi AbrahamD: [30] Patricia Elsie
-H: [30] William Thomas(LN: Gardner)S: [28] Moses Alexander
-W: [25] Ivy Cleo (LN: Turner)D: [26] Violet JuneD: [23] Cynthia Theresa
-H: [21] Raphael Phineas (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61] Opal Elvira
H: [64] Ezra Jonathan (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Olivia MadelineS: [29] Ezra Jonathan II
-W: [25] Sophia Adina (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Ezra Jonathan III
-S: [nb] Emmanuel JamesS: [26] Jethro Solomon
-W: [22] Naomi Magdalen (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Ruben Nicholas
-S: [exp] Jethro SolomonD: [24] Dominique Danielle
S: [22] Marius Lazarus
D: [20] Nina Miriam
S: [18] Henry Cornelius******
S2: [59] Reuben Jack
exW: [56] Rose Clara (LN: Cogswell)S: [37] Eli Cyrus
-W: [29] Hadassah Josephine (LN: Brookings)

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vote up1
H: [89] Elmo Walcott Rathbone
W: [86] Martha Samantha "Martie" Brown D1: [68] Catherine Priscilla "Caddy"
S1: [67] James Abner "Jem"
D2: [65] Elissa Tabitha "Lissie"
D3: [61] Bernice Lois "Berny"
S2: [59] Moses Jacob "Mose"
S3: [57] Elmo Walcott
D4: [55] Theresa Ramona "Tess"
S4: [53] Solomon Alva "Sol"
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen "Bas"
S6: [49] Benjamin Robert "Benji"
S7: [47] Oliver Nathaniel "Olly" ******
D1: [68] Catherine Priscilla "Caddy"
H: [68] Richard Henry Potts ******
S1: [67] James Abner "Jem"
exW: [67] Lydia Rebecca Hall D/S: [35] Lydia Rebecca // Byron James
-D'sH: [34] Isaac Hudson Whitehorne
-D: [10] Lydia Rebecca
-D: [8] Elise Albertine
-D: [4] Laura Rathbone
-D: [1] Belle Marion
-D: [exp] Myra Magdalena "Mimi" -S'sW: [35] Eva Deborah Malbone
-D: [3] Henrietta Audra
-D: [1] Estella Geneva W: [44] Joan Charlotte Sears S: [24] Henry Sears "Hal"
S: [17] Edward Hugh "Ned"
D: [14] Joan Charlotte "Joni"******
D2: [65] Elissa Tabitha "Lissie"
H: [70] Davis Dexter Fellows D: [45] Elissa Tabitha "El"
-H: [45] Raymond Charles Hunt S: [42] Davis Dexter "Davy"
-W: [33] Virginia Rafaela Smith
-S: [12] Ari Leo
-S: [6] Davis Dexter "Dex"
-S: [5] Judah Samson
-S: [3] Reuben Mitchell
-D: [1] Agatha Augusta "Aggie"S: [40] Hardy Sinclair
-W: [33] Vienna Lucie Winslow S: [38] Elmo Walcott "Wally"
S: [36] Anderson Elijah "Andy"D: [30] Susanna Prudence "Sue"
-H: [30] Joseph Daniel Gardner S: [28] Joseph Duncan "Joss"
-W: [25] Esme Cleo Turner D: [26] Faye Louise D: [23] Cynthia Theresa "Cyndi"
-H: [21] Amos Augustus Cowles ******
D3: [61] Bernice Lois "Berny"
H: [64] Ezra Barnabas Goodrich D: [30] Olivia Dinah "Liv"S: [29] Ezra Barnabas "Ez"
-W: [25] Sadie Beulah Perigo
-S: [2] Ezra Barnabas "Barney"
-S: [nb] Emmanuel Moses "Manny" S: [26] Abner Solomon
-W: [22] Rose Magdalen Thompson
-S: [2] Jesse Nicholas
-S: [exp] Abner Solomon "Abbey"D: [24] Dominique Danielle "Didi"
S: [22] Simeon Elihu
D: [20] Naomi Leila

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vote up1
Domenico Waverley
Charlotte Bethany "Lottie"Elise Anna
James Ryan
Ava Tabitha
Opal Estelle
Joseph Jesse "Joe"
Domenico Waverley "Dom"
Victoria Karen "Vicky"
Samuel Henry "Sam"
Sebastian Stephen
John William "Jack"
Michael Jay "Mike"--
Elise Anna
Elliot Thomas--
James Ryan
Leah Elisabeth XLeah Elisabeth "Lee" (Jacob's twin)
- Henry Simon
-- Leah Elisabeth "Leah Beth"
-- Johanna Emilie "Hanna"
-- Margaret Rathbone "Maggie"
-- Louisa Violet
-- June IsabellaJacob Graham (Leah's twin)
- Grace Josephine
-- Genevieve Claire "Evie"
-- Emmaline Beatrix "Emma"Marie RuthCharles Sears "Charlie"
Harrison Edward "Harry"
Marie Ruth "Rue"--
Ava Tabitha
Jack WarrenAva Tabitha
- Preston CharlesJack Warren
- Virginia Charlotte "Ginny"
-- Felix Leo
-- Jack Warren
-- Reuben Samson
-- Michael Simon
-- Agatha Anastasia "Aggie"Oliver Sinclair
- Isadora Lucie "Dora"Domenico Waverley "Nico"
Eli JonasPatricia Prudence "Tricia"
- William Daniel "Will"Andrew Alexander "Drew"
- Mia LilyJewel SophieHannah Kathleen
- Noah Joseph--
Opal Estelle
Samson CalebMolly MadelineSamson Caleb "Sam"
- Sophia Annabel
-- Samson Caleb "Sammy"
-- Simon JamesAbner Clark
- Rose Mercy
-- Jack Nicholas
-- Abner ClarkDominique Danielle
Simeon Robinson
Emily Miriam
Henry Augustus--
Joseph Jesse "Joe"
Olivia Nora X "Liv"Eli Cyrus
- Molly Abigail
-- Roan Reid / Sadie Victoria
-- James Henry
-- Charlie ArthurDenver Lee
- Lucy Ann
-- Vivian Grace
-- Matthew Evan "Matt"
-- Oliver Monroe "Ollie"
-- Thomas AndrewMerritt Cogswell
- Matilda Eva "Mattie"Julian Jackson
- Rae Amelia
-- Joseph Jesse "JJ"
-- Pearl Michaela
-- Atticus Quentin
-- Olivia Nora "Livia"Olivia Nora "Olive"Hazel Grace
- William Reuben "Liam"June DelilahDomenico Waverley "Dom"
Jacob Wesley
Alibeth Autumn "Ali"
Celeste Capri
Carol Ella "Carrie Ella"
Noah Joseph
Willa Lisette
Charlotte Alice "Lottie"--
Domenico Waverley "Dom"
Viola Charlotte XJohn Daniel "Jack"Heatherlee Hollyann "Heather"Drew Dale

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vote up1
H: [89] Domenico Wallcott Rathbone
W: [86] Charlotte Trisha (Brown) Rathbone "Charli"D1: [68] Leah Rachael Rathbone
S1: [67] Seth Jonathan Rathbone
D2: [65] Ava Maribel Rathbone
D3: [61] Opal Hester Rathbone
S2: [59] Reuben Joel Rathbone "Ben"
S3: [57] Domenico Wallcott Rathbone "Jr."
D4: [55] Victoria Karen Rathbone
S4: [53] Asher Henry Rathbone
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen Rathbone
S6: [49] Mitchell William Rathbone "Mitch"
S7: [47] Samuel Isaac Rathbone "Sam"******
D1: [68] Leah Rachael (Rathbone) Potts
H: [68] Elliot John Potts******
S1: [67] Seth Jonathan Rathbone
exW: [67] Miriam Sarah HallD/S: [35] Miriam Sarah (Rathbone) Whitehorne "Sarah"//Jacob Miles Rathbone "Jake"
-D'sH: [34] Nathaniel Simon Whitehorne "Nate"
-D: [10] Miriam Sarah Whitehorne "Mira"
-D: [8] Amelia Carole Whitehorne "Mia"
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne "Tabby"
-D: [1] Lucille Violet Whitehorne "Lucy"
-D: [exp] Maryann Grace Whitehorne "Annie"-S'sW: [35] Eva Josephine (Malbone) Rathbone "Evie"
-D: [3] Genevieve Beatrice Rathbone "Vieve"
-D: [1] Matilde Annetta Rathbone "Tilly"W: [44] Elizabeth Nancy (Sears) Rathbone "Lizzie"S: [24] Wade Sears Rathbone
S: [17] Harrison Oliver Rathbone "Harris"
D: [14] Elizabeth Nancy Rathbone "Beth"******
D2: [65] Ava Maribel (Rathbone) Fellows
H: [70] Michael Dexter FellowsD: [45] Ava Maribel (Fellows) Hunt "Mari"
-H: [45] Vance Charles HuntS: [42] Michael Dexter Fellows "Dex"
-W: [33] Samantha Bethany (Smith) Fellows "Sami"
-S: [12] Ari Jefferson Fellows
-S: [6] Michael Dexter Fellows "Cael"
-S: [5] Ephraim Axel Fellows
-S: [3] Dallas Simon Fellows
-D: [1] Araya Augusta Fellows "Raya"S: [40] Emery Archibald Fellows
-W: [33] Junia Marsha (Winslow) Fellows "Nia"S: [38] Domenico Wallcott Fellows "Nico"
S: [36] Eli Jonah FellowsD: [30] Bessie Prudence (Fellows) Gardner "Bess"
-H: [30] Joseph Daniel Gardner "Joey"S: [28] Matthew Duncan Fellows "Matt"
-W: [25] Zoe Lila (Turner) FellowsD: [26] Eleanor Rose Fellows "Nora" D: [23] Hannah Kathleen (Fellows) Cowles

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vote up1
H: [89] Domenico Wentworth (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Lesley Samantha (LN: Brown)D1: [68] Elise Rachael
S1: [67] Jacob Ryan
D2: [65] Ava Hannah
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
S2: [59] Joseph Joel
S3: [57] Domenico Wentworth 'Nic'
D4: [55] Victoria Karen
S4: [53] Samuel Benjamin 'Sam'
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen
S6: [49] John William
S7: [47] Michael Matthew******
D1: [68] Elise Rachael
H: [68] Elliot John (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67] Jacob Ryan
exW: [67] Ava Elisabeth (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Ava Elisabeth // Joseph James
-D'sH: [34] Benjamin Matthew 'Ben' (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Ava Elisabeth
-D: [8] Anna Emilie
-D: [4] Rachel Rathbone
-D: [1] Kate Lila
-D: [exp] Maryann Grace 'Mary'-S'sW: [35] Michaela Josephine (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eleanor Claire
-D: [1] Estella GenevieveW: [44] Elizabeth Charlotte (LN: Sears)S: [24] Stephen Sears
S: [17] Alan Oliver
D: [14] Elizabeth Charlotte******
D2: [65] Ava Hannah
H: [70] Joseph James (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Ava Hannah
-H: [45] Preston Charles (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Joseph James
-W: [33] Samantha Ella (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Jacob Isaac
-S: [6] Joseph James
-S: [5] Matthias Axel 'Matt'
-S: [3] Michael John
-D: [1] Annamaria Allysia 'Anna'S: [40] Oliver Garrison
-W: [33] Emmaline Lucie (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Domenico Wentworth 'Nic'
S: [36] Jacob MalachiD: [30] Patricia Elsie
-H: [30] William Paul 'Liam' (LN: Gardner)S: [28] Nathan Alexander
-W: [25] Zoe Ava (LN: Turner)D: [26] Violet RoseD: [23] Cynthia Kathleen
-H: [21] Michael Joseph (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
H: [64] Matthias Jonathan (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Olivia MadelineS: [29] Matthias Jonathan 'Matt'
-W: [25] Sophia Delilah (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Matthias Jonathan
-S: [nb] Michael JosephS: [26] Jethro Clark 'Clark'
-W: [22] Rebecca Grace (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Joseph Nicholas
-S: [exp] Jethro Clark 'Jet'D: [24] Destiny Danielle
S: [22] Simeon Robinson
D: [20] Mary Elisabeth
S: [18] Henry Augustus******
S2: [59] Joseph Joel
exW: [56] Julia Stella (LN: Cogswell)

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vote up1
H: [89] Prospero Wallcott Rathbone
W: [86] Matilda Bethany (nee. Brown) Rathbone D1: [68] Catherine Johanna
S1: [67] Daniel Jonathan
D2: [65] Ava Maribel
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
S2: [59] David Samuel
S3: [57] Prospero Wallcott, Jr.
D4: [55] Victoria Karen
S4: [53] Asher Benjamin
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen
S6: [49] Simon Robert
S7: [47] Oliver Matthew ******
D1: [68] Catherine Johanna (nee. Rathbone) Potts
H: [68] Richard Henry Potts ******
S1: [67] Daniel Jonathan Rathbone
exW: [67] Lydia Mary (nee. Hall) RathboneD/S: [35] Lydia Mary (nee. Rathbone) Whitehorne & Byron Graham Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Isaac David Whitehorne
-D: [10] Lydia Mary
-D: [8] Johanna Albertine
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone
-D: [1] Estella Marion
-D: [exp] June Magdalena
-S'sW: [35] Eva Josephine (nee. Malbone) Rathbone
-D: [3] Maude Beatrice
-D: [1] Georgiana AntoninaW: [44] Elizabeth Nancy (nee. Sears) Rathbone S: [24] Thomas Sears Rathbone
S: [17] Edward Robert Rathbone
D: [14] Elizabeth Nancy Rathbone ******
D2: [65] Ava Maribel (nee. Rathbone) Fellows
H: [70] Jack Lawrence Fellows D: [45] Ava Maribel (nee. Fellows) Hunt
-H: [45] Stuart Elliott HuntS: [42] Jack Lawrence Fellows
-W: [33] Virginia Charlotte (nee. Smith) Fellows
-S: [12] Felix Ephraim
-S: [6] Jack Lawrence
-S: [5] Matthias Axel
-S: [3] Samuel Benjamin
-D: [1] Agatha AnastasiaS: [40] Aubrey Archibald Rathbone
-W: [33] Junia Lucie (nee. Winslow) Rathbone S: [38] Prospero Wallcott Rathbone
S: [36] Levi Jonas Rathbone D: [30] Lucretia Elsie Rathbone
-H: [30] William David Gardner S: [28] Andrew Duncan Rathbone
-W: [25] Amelia Phoebe (nee. Turner) Rathbone D: [26] Eleanor Sophie Rathbone D: [23] Cynthia Theresa Rathbone-Cowles
-H: [21] Raphael Augustus Cowles ******
D3: [61] Opal Estelle (nee. Rathbone) Goodrich
H: [64] Japheth Barnabas GoodrichD: [30] Madelyn Dinah GoodrichS: [29] Japeth Barnabas Goodrich, Jr.
-W: [25] Sophia Annabel (nee. Perigo) Goodrich
-S: [2] Japheth Barnabas

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vote up1
DH - Columbus Wentworth Rathbone Sr. [89]
DW - Matilda Summer {Brown} Rathbone [86]DD1 - Miriam Charlotte {Rathbone} Potts [68]
-DH - Vaughn Matthew Potts [68]DS1 - Daniel Jonathan Rathbone [67]
-Ex-DW - Anna Elisabeth Hall Sr. [67]
-DW - Marie Charlotte {Sears} Rathbone Sr. [44]
-DD - Anna Elisabeth {Rathbone} Whitehorne Jr. [35] (Tom's twin)
--DH - Isaac Stephen Whitehorne [34]
--DD - Anna Elisabeth Jr. [10]
--DD - Amelia Carole [8]
--DD - Margaret Rathbone [4]
--DD - Lucille Heloise [1]
--DD - Nancy Magdalena [Expecting]
-DS - Thomas Aaron Rathbone [35] (Lisa's twin)
--DW - Grace Deborah {Malbone} Rathbone [35]
--DD - Henrietta Audra [3]
--DD - Georgina Beatrix [1]
-DS - Henry Sears [24]
-DS - Edward Oliver [17]
-DD - Marie Charlotte Jr. [14]DD2 - Ava Tabitha {Rathbone} Fellows Sr. [65]
-DH - Michael Lawrence Fellows Sr. [70]
-DD - Ava Tabitha {Fellows} Hunt Jr. [45]
--DH - Stuart Peter Hunt [45]
-DS - Michael Lawrence Fellows Jr. [42]
--DW - Samantha Priscilla {Smith} Fellows [33]
--DS - Felix Jefferson [12]
--DS - Michael Lawrence III [6]
--DS - Judah Samson [5]
--DS - Reuben Mitchell [3]
--DD - Agatha Anastasia [1]
-DS - Oliver Archibald Fellows [40]
--DW - Vienna Leta {Winslow} Fellows [33]
-DS - Columbus Wentworth [38]
-DS - Levi Abraham [36]
-DD - Patricia Prudence {Fellows} Gardner [30]
--DH - William Daniel Gardner [30]
-DS - Andrew Nathaniel Fellows [28]
--DW - Ivy Lila {Turner} Fellows [25]
-DD - Eleanor Sophie [26]
-DD - Cynthia Theresa {Fellows} Cowles [23]
--DH - Cyrus David Cowles [21]DD3 - Opal Estelle {Rathbone} Goodrich [61]
-DH - Gideon Jonathan Goodrich Sr. [64]
-DD - Amelia Mehitabel [30]
-DS - Gideon Jonathan Goodrich Jr. [29]
--DW - Sophia Annabel {Perigo} Goodrich [25]
--DS - Gideon Jonathan III [2]
--DS - Benjamin Oliver [nb]
-DS - Abner Solomon Goodrich Sr. [26]
--DW - Lydia Magdalen {Thompson} Goodrich [22]
--DS - Jesse Raphael [2]
--DS - Abner Solomon Jr. [Expecting]
-DD - Desiree Danielle [24]
-DS - Simeon Lazarus [22]
-DD - Naomi Elisabeth [20]

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vote up1
H: [89] Columbus Weatherbie Rathbone
W: [86] Matilda Summer BrownD1: [68] Joanna Charlotte Rathbone
S1: [67] Justin Abner Rathbone
D2: [65] Ava Spring Rathbone
D3: [61] Opal Estelle Rathbone
S2: [59] David Samuel Rathbone
S3: [57] Columbus Weatherbie Rathbone, Jr. "CJ"
D4: [55] Theresa Ramona Rathbone
S4: [53] Emmett Benjamin Rathbone
S5: [51] Saxton Swain Rathbone
S6: [49] Mitchell Oliver Rathbone
S7: [47] Reuben Nathaniel Rathbone******
D1: [68] Joanna Charlotte Rathbone
H: [68] Byron Thomas Potts******
S1: [67] Justin Abner Rathbone
exW: [67] Lydia Elisabeth HallD/S: [35] Lydia Elisabeth Rathbone "Beth" // Byron Graham Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Henry Stephen Whitehorne
-D: [10] Lydia Elisabeth Whitehorne "Lydia"
-D: [8] Johanna Albertine Whitehorne
-D: [4] Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne
-D: [1] Louisa Violet Whitehorne

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vote up1
DH: {89} Octave Wentworth Rathbone, Sr.
DW: {86} Susannah Bethany {Brown} RathboneDD1: {68} Miriam Johanna {Rathbone} Potts
DS1: {67} James Abner Rathbone
DD2: {65} Lissette Tabitha {Rathbone} Fellows
DD3: {61} Myrtle Lois {Rathbone} Goodrich
DS2: {59} Christopher Samuel Rathbone
DS3: {57} Octave Wentworth Rathbone, Jr.
DD4: {55} Theresa Karen {Rathbone} Marcellus
DS4: {53} Emmett Simon Rathbone, Sr.
DS5: {51} Sebastian Swain Rathbone, Sr.
DS6: {49} Mitchell David Rathbone
DS7: {47} Oliver Nathaniel Rathbone, Sr.*DD1: {68} Miriam Johanna {Rathbone} Potts
DH: {68} Elliot Thomas Potts*DS1: {67} James Abner Rathbone
exDW: {67} Lydia Elisabeth {Hall} Rathbone
DW: {44} Marie Barbara {Sears} RathboneDD: {35} Lydia Elisabeth {Rathbone} Whitehorne
- DH: {34} Isaac Matthew Whitehorne
- DD: {10} Lydia Elisabeth Whitehorne
- DD: {8} Amelia Carole Whitehorne
- DD: {4} Margaret Rathbone Whitehorne
- DD: {1} Lucille Violet Whitehorne
- DD: {exp} Nancy Isabella WhitehorneDS: {35} Christian Miles Rathbone
- DW: {35} Annie Mariah {Malbone} Rathbone
- DD: {3} Henrietta Christabel Rathbone
- DD: {1} Georgiana Beatrix RathboneDS: {24} Wade Sears Rathbone
DS: {17} Harrison Robert Rathbone
DD: {14} Marie Barbara Rathbone*DD2: {65} Lissette Tabitha {Rathbone} Fellows
DH: {70} Kenneth Lawrence Fellows, Sr.DD: {45} Lissette Tabitha {Fellows} Hunt
- DH: {45} Preston Peter HuntDS: {42} Kenneth Lawrence Fellows, Jr.
- DW: {33} Anna Priscilla {Smith} Fellows
- DS: {12} Felix Noah Fellows
- DS: {6} Kenneth Lawrence Fellows, III
- DS: {5} Reuben Dexter Fellows
- DD: {1} Annamaria Antonetta FellowsDS: {40} Kiefer Baldwin Fellows
- DW: {33} Junia Lucie {Winslow} FellowsDS: {38} Octave Wentworth Fellows
DS: {36} Levi Malachi FellowsDD: {30} Patricia Lou {Fellows} Gardner
- DH: {30} Jack Thomas GardnerDS: {28} Nathan Alexander Fellows
- DW: {25} Esme Phoebe {Turner} FellowsDD: {26} Violet Louise FellowsDD: {23} Marla Kathleen {Fellows} Cowles
- DH: {21} Raphael Phineas Cowles

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vote up1
H: Domenico Wentworth Rathbone [89]
W: Matilda Samantha Brown Rathbone [86]D1: Miriam Charlotte Rathbone [68]
S1: Daniel Ethan Rathbone [67]
D2: Ava Susana Rathbone [65]
D3: Opal Estelle Rathbone [61]
S2: Moses John Rathbone [59]
S3: David Christopher Rathbone [57]
D4: Deborah Ramona Rathbone [55]
S4: Samuel Henry Rathbone [53]
S5: Sebastian Stephen Rathbone [51]
S6: Benjamin Michael Rathbone [49]
S7: Oliver Nathaniel Rathbone [47] Domenico (Nico) & Matilda; Miriam, Daniel, Ava, Opal, Moses, David, Deborah, Samuel, Sebastian, Benjamin, and Oliver.******
D1: Miriam Charlotte Rathbone Potts [68]
H: Elliot Spencer Potts [68] Miriam & Elliot.******
S1: Daniel Ethan Rathbone [67]
exW: Leah Mary Hall [67] Daniel & Leah; Mary and Joseph.
Daniel & Marie; Charles (Charlie), Edward (Teddy), and Barbara (Bobbie).D/S: Mary Leah Rathbone Whitehorne & Joseph Graham Rathbone [35]
-D'sH: Reuben Saul Whitehorne [34]
-D: Mary Leah Whitehorne [10]
-D: Elise Carole Whitehorne [8]
-D: Tabitha Rathbone Whitehorne [4]
-D: Louisa Adele Whitehorne [1]
-D: June Isabella Whitehorne [exp] Mary (Molly) & Reuben (Reu); Mary Leah (May), Elise (Ellie), Tabitha (Betty), Louisa (Lulu), and June.-S'sW: Isabel Mariah Malbone Rathbone [35]
-D: Genevive Coralie Rathbone [3]
-D: Emmaline Beatrix Rathbone [1]Joseph & Isabel; Genevieve (Evie) and Emmaline (Emmy). W: Marie Barbara Sears Rathbone [44] S: Charles Sears Rathbone [24]
S: Edward Hugh Rathbone [17]
D: Barbara Marie Rathbone [14] ******
D2: Ava Susana Rathbone Fellows [65]
H: Kenneth Lawrence Fellows [70] Ava & Kenneth; Susanna, Lawrence, Kiefer, Domenico (Nico), Anderson, Matthew, Eleanor (Nora), and Cynthia.D: Susanna Ava Fellows [45]
-H: Raymond Peter Hunt [45] Susanna & Raymond (Ray).S: Lawrence Kenneth Fellows [42]
-W: Virginia Ella Smith Fellows [33]
-S: Ari Ephraim Fellows [12]
-S: Lawrence Kenneth Fellows [6]
-S: Judah Bartholomew Fellows [5]
-S: James Davis Fellows [3]
-D: Agatha Anastasia Fellows [1]

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H: [89] Elmo Weatherbie (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Charlotte Bethany (LN: Brown)
D1: [68] Elise Johanna
S1: [67] Adam Ryan
D2: [65] Ava Susana
D3: [61] Opal Elvira
S2: [59] Joseph Jack
S3: [57] Elmo Weatherbie
D4: [55] Deborah Ramona
S4: [53] Samuel Benjamin
S5: [51] Sebastian Swain
S6: [49] Reuben Michael
S7: [47] John Matthew******
D1: [68] Elise Johanna
H: [68] Russell Henry (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67] Adam Ryan
exW: [67] Anna Rebecca (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Anna Rebecca// Jacob Miles
-D'sH: [34] Nathaniel David (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Anna Rebecca
-D: [8] Charlotte Emilie
-D: [4] Laura Rathbone
-D: [1] Kate Heloise
-D: [exp] Myra Isabella-S'sW: [35] Hannah Josephine (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eliza Claire
-D: [1] Estella GenevieveW: [44] Elizabeth Nancy (LN: Sears)S: [24] Charles Sears
S: [17] Wade Robert
D: [14] Elizabeth Nancy******
D2: [65] Ava Susana
H: [70] Kenneth Miles (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Ava Susana
-H: [45] Raymond Dean (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Kenneth Miles
-W: [33] Anna Bethany (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Felix David
-S: [6] Kenneth Miles
-S: [5] Matthias Samson
-S: [3] Dallas Benjamin
-D: [1] Aubrea AnastasiaS: [40] Oliver Garrison
-W: [33] Vienna Lucie (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Elmo Weatherbie
S: [36] Levi AbrahamD: [30] Tammy Prudence
-H: [30] Benjamin Paul (LN: Gardner)S: [28] Nathan Alexander
-W: [25] Zoe Lila (LN: Turner)D: [26] Violet LouiseD: [23] Vicki Theresa
-H: [21] Noah Simon (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61] Opal Elvira
H: [64] Gideon Zachariah (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Molly AtaraS: [29] Gideon Zachariah
-W: [25] Sadie Delilah (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Gideon Zachariah
-S: [nb] Simon JamesS: [26] Jethro Solomon
-W: [22] Lydia Grace (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Jack Samuel
-S: [exp] Jethro SolomonD: [24] Destiny Danielle
S: [22] Simeon Moses
D: [20] Naomi Miriam
S: [18] Henry Augustus******
S2: [59] Joseph Jack
exW: [56] Charity Annabel (LN: Cogswell)S: [37] Ephraim Cyrus
-W: [29] Mariah Abigail (LN: Brookings)
-S/D: [5] Burke Reid// Ivy Victoria

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H: [89] Domenico Waverly
W: [86] Matilda SummerD1: [68] Leah Charlotte
S1: [67] Daniel Evan
D2: [65] Ava Susanna
D3: [61] Opal Estelle "Estelle"
S2: [59] Joseph Samuel
S3: [57] Domenico Waverly "Nico"
D4: [55] Theresa Karen
S4: [53] Asher Simon
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen "Stephen"
S6: [49] Benjamin William
S7: [47] Samuel IsaacDomenico & Matilda; Leah, Daniel, Ava, Estelle, Joseph, Nico, Theresa, Asher, Stephen, Benjamin, and Samuel******
D1: [68] Leah Charlotte
H: [68] Elliot John "John"Leah & John******
S1: [67] Daniel Evan
exW: [67] Miriam Elisabeth "Mira"D/S: [35] Miriam Elisabeth "Elisabeth" / Jacob Aaron

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This message was edited 5/3/2014, 5:09 PM

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H: [89] Domenico Waverley (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Candance Summer (LN: Brown)D1: [68] Catherine Johanna
S1: [67] Seth Ian
D2: [65] Ava Hannah
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
S2: [59] Joseph John
S3: [57] Domenico Waverley
D4: [55] Theresa Karen
S4: [53] Samuel Henry
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen
S6: [49] Benjamin Paul
S7: [47] Michael David ******
D1: [68]
H: [68] Wilson Clayton (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67]
exW: [67] Ava Sarah (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Ava Sarah // Christian Graham
-D'sH: [34] Isaac Stephen (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Ava Sarah
-D: [8] Johanna Carole
-D: [4] Margaret Hall "Margo"
-D: [1] Kate Adele
-D: [exp] Ann Lucia -S'sW: [35] Eva Josephine (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eliza Claire
-D: [1] Emmaline Genevieve "Emmy" W: [44] Marie Charlotte (LN: Sears)S: [24] Wade Sears
S: [17] Harrison Robert
D: [14] Marie Charlotte ******
D2: [65]
H: [70] Kenneth Warren (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Ava Hannah
-H: [45] Preston Elliott (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Kenneth Warren "Kent"
-W: [33] Samantha Priscilla (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Ari David
-S: [6] Kenneth Warren "Kenny"
-S: [5] Reuben Axel
-S: [3] Samuel John "Sam"
-D: [1] Annamaria Augusta S: [40] Oliver Garrison
-W: [33] Emmaline Charlotte "Emmy" (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Domenico Waverley
S: [36] Jacob Malachi
D: [30] Patricia Lou
-H: [30] Benjamin Paul "Ben" (LN: Gardner)S: [28] Matthew Duncan
-W: [25] Zoe Ava (LN: Turner)D: [26] Avril Sophie D: [23] Cynthia Kathleen
-H: [21] Raphael David (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61]
H: [64] Ezra Jonathan (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Molly Jael S: [29] Ezra Jonathan
-W: [25] Sophia Annabel (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Ezra Jonathan
-S: [nb] Michael James S: [26] Jethro Clark
-W: [22] Lydia Mercy (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Jesse Raphael
-S: [exp] Jethro Clark "JC" D: [24] Dominique Denise
S: [22] Simeon Zeb "Simms"
D: [20] Emily Elisabeth
S: [18] Henry Claude ******
S2: [59]
exW: [56] Julia Sadie (LN: Cogswell)S: [37] Ephraim Solomon
-W: [29] Anna Josephine (LN: Brookings)

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This message was edited 5/2/2014, 7:15 PM

vote up1
DH: [89] Octave Wentworth Rathbone, Sr.
DW: [86] Martha Bethany {Brown} RathboneDD: [68] Anne Priscilla {Rathbone} Potts
DS: [67] James Ryan Rathbone
DD: [65] Lissette Hannah {Rathbone} Fellows
DD: [61] Opal Lois {Rathbone} Goodrich
DS: [59] David Samuel Rathbone
DS: [57] Octave Wentworth Rathbone, Jr.
DD: [55] Victoria Karen {Rathbone} Marcellus
DS: [53] Emmett Simon Rathbone, Sr.
DS: [51] Sebastian Shayn Rathbone, Sr.
DS: [49] Benjamin Paul Rathbone
DS: [47] Oliver Nathaniel Rathbone, Sr.******
DD: [68] Anne Priscilla {Rathbone} Potts
DH: [68] Byron Matthew Potts******
DS: [67] James Ryan Rathbone
exW: [67] Miriam Elisa HallDD: [35] Miriam Elisa {Rathbone} Whitehorne
-DH: [34] Henry Saul Whitehorne
-DD: [10] Miriam Elisa Whitehorne
-DD: [8] Amelia Addie Whitehorne
-DD: [4] Elizabeth Rathbone Whitehorne
-DD: [1] Louisa Hattie Whitehorne
-DD: [exp] June Lena WhitehorneDS: [35] Stephen Blaine Rathbone
-DW: [35] Isabel Deborah {Malbone} Rathbone
-DD: [3] Genevieve Claire Rathbone
-DD: [1] Charlotte Beatrix RathboneDW: [44] Judith Barbara {Sears} RathboneDS: [24] Thomas Sears Rathbone
DS: [17] Edward Hugh Rathbone
DD: [14] Judith Barbara Rathbone******
DD: [65] Lissette Hannah {Rathbone} Fellows
DH: [70] Jack Lawrence Fellows, Sr.DD: [45] Lissette Hannah {Fellows} Hunt
-DH: [45] Stuart Peter HuntDS: [42] Jack Lawrence Fellows, Jr.
-DW: [33] Samantha Tabitha {Smith} Fellows
-DS: [12] Jacob Isaac Fellows
-DS: [6] Jack Lawrence Fellows, III
-DS: [5] Ephraim Axel Fellows
-DS: [3] Samuel John Fellows
-DD: [1] Alecsandra Augusta FellowsDS: [40] Emery Archibald Fellows
-DW: [33] Isadora Lucie {Winslow} FellowsDS: [38] Octave Wentworth Fellows
DS: [36] Eli Abraham FellowsDD: [30] Nancy Prudence {Fellows} Gardner
-DH: [30] Joseph Reuben GardnerDS: [28] Andrew Alexander Fellows
-DW: [25] Esme Cleo {Turner} FellowsDD: [26] Violet Amber FellowsDD: [23] Cynthia Kathleen {Fellows} Cowles
-DH: [21] Noah Elisha Cowles******
DD: [61] Opal Lois {Rathbone} Goodrich

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H: [89] Columbus Waverley (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Matilda Bethany (LN: Brown)
D1: [68] Catherine Charlotte (Ren)
S1: [67] James Ian
D2: [65] Ava Tabitha
D3: [61] Opal Estelle
S2: [59] Moses Samuel (Moe)
S3: [57] Columbus Waverley
D4: [55] Victoria Ramona
S4: [53] Asa Henry
S5: [51] Sebastian Swain
S6: [49] Benjamin William
S7: [47] Simon Matthew******
D1: [68]
H: [68] Richard Thomas (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67]
exW: [67] Miriam Sarah (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Miriam Sarah and Henry James (Mira and Harry)
-D'sH: [34] Reuben Matthew (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Miriam Sarah (Mimi)
-D: [8] Charlotte Emilie (Lottie)
-D: [4] Elizabeth Rathbone (Libby)
-D: [1] Louisa Adele (Lou)
-D: [exp] June Magdalena-S'sW: [35] Eva Josephine (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eliza Beatrice
-D: [1] Georgiana Genevieve (Georgie)W: [44] Marie Ruth (LN: Sears)S: [24] Charles Sears (Charlie)
S: [17] Edward Oliver (Teddy)
D: [14] Marie Ruth (Ruthie)******
D2: [65]
H: [70] Jack Lawrence (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Ava Tabitha
-H: [45] Forrest Dean (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Jack Lawrence
-W: [33] Virginia Tabitha (LN: Smith) (Ginny)
-S: [12] Felix Noah
-S: [6] Jack Lawrence (Jackie)
-S: [5] Barnabas Samson (Barnaby)
-S: [3] James Benjamin (Jem)
-D: [1] Agatha Augusta (Aggie)S: [40] Emery Sinclair
-W: [33] Isadora Charlotte (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Columbus Waverley (Cole)
S: [36] Eli JonahD: [30] Lucretia Prudence (Lucky)
-H: [30] William Thomas (LN: Gardner) (Will)S: [28] Matthew Duncan (Matt)
-W: [25] Esme Cleo (LN: Turner)D: [26] Faye LouiseD: [23] Hannah Kathleen
-H: [21] Cyrus Augustus (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61]
H: [64] Gideon Zachariah (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Amelia Elizabeth (Millie)S: [29] Gideon Zachariah (Deon)
-W: [25] Charlotte Annabel (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Gideon Zachariah
-S: [nb] Benjamin Moses (Benji) S: [26] Jethro Solomon (Roe)
-W: [22] Rose Magdalen (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Joseph Nicholas
-S: [exp] Jethro SolomonD: [24] Dominique Danielle (Minnie)
S: [22] Zeke Lazarus
D: [20] Mary Hannah

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H: [89] Columbus Wetherly Rathbone
W: [86] Susannah Bethany BrownD1: [68] Anne Charlotte Rathbone
S1: [67] James Ian Rathbone
D2: [65] Elissa Davina Rathbone
D3: [61] Opal Irma Rathbone
S2: [59] David Jack Rathbone
S3: [57] Columbus Wetherly Rathbone
D4: [55] Theresa Karen Rathbone
S4: [53] Emmett Henry Rathbone
S5: [51] Sebastian Stern Rathbone
S6: [49] Benjamin Michael Rathbone
S7: [47] Simon Joel Rathbone******
D1: [68] Anne Charlotte Rathbone
H: [68] Wilson John Potts******
S1: [67] James Ian Rathbone
exW: [67] Joanna Mary HallD/S: [35] Joanna Mary Rathbone & Thomas Aaron Rathbone
-D'sH: [34] Reuben David Whitehorne
-D: [10] Joanna Mary Whitehorne
-D: [8] Charlotte Albertine Whitehorne
-D: [4] Elsa Rathbone Whitehorne
-D: [1] Kate Lila Whitehorne
-D: [exp] Glenna Grace Whitehorne-S'sW: [35] Annie Deborah Malbone
-D: [3] Henrietta Coralie Rathbone
-D: [1] Estella Beatrix RathboneW: [44] Elizabeth Nancy SearsS: [24] Stephen Sears Rathbone
S: [17] Graham Jarvis Rathbone
D: [14] Elizabeth Nancy Rathbone******
D2: [65] Elissa Davina Rathbone
H: [70] Jack Lawrence FellowsD: [45] Elissa Davina Fellows
-H: [45] Stuart Elliott HuntS: [42] Jack Lawrence Fellows
-W: [33] Virginia Charlotte Smith
-S: [12] Oliver Leo Fellows
-S: [6] Jack Lawrence Fellows
-S: [5] Reuben Axel Fellows
-S: [3] Dallas Benjamin Fellows
-D: [1] Araya Antonetta FellowsS: [40] Aubrey Sinclair Fellows
-W: [33] Vienna Lucie WinslowS: [38] Columbus Wetherly Fellows
S: [36] Anderson Jonah FellowsD: [30] Patricia Lou Fellows
-H: [30] William Daniel GardnerS: [28] Matthew Dean Fellows
-W: [25] Mia Lily TurnerD: [26] Josephine Rose FellowsD: [23] Hannah Kathleen Fellows
-H: [21] Samuel David Cowles******
D3: [61] Opal Irma Rathbone
H: [64] Gideon Jonathan GoodrichD: [30] Olivia Madeline GoodrichS: [29] Gideon Jonathan Goodrich
-W: [25] Charlotte Leah Perigo
-S: [2] Gideon Jonathan Goodrich
-S: [nb] Michael Reuben GoodrichS: [26] Jethro Clark Goodrich
-W: [22] Naomi Grace Thompson

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H: [89] Columbus Wightman (LN: Rathbone)
W: [86] Charlotte Trisha (LN: Brown)
D1: [68] Catherine Priscilla
S1: [67] Seth Ian
D2: [65] Sunshine Tabitha
D3: [61] Ernestine Estelle
S2: [59] David Jesse
S3: [57] Columbus Wightman "Colum"
D4: [55] Denise Karen
S4: [53] Solomon Joseph
S5: [51] Sebastian Stephen
S6: [49] Benjamin William
S7: [47] Simon Isaac ******
D1: [68]
H: [68] Richard John (LN: Potts)******
S1: [67]
exW: [67] Joanna Nina (LN: Hall)D/S: [35] Joanna Nina "Joni" // Joseph James
-D'sH: [34] Isaac Stephen (LN: Whitehorne)
-D: [10] Joanna Nina "Jo"
-D: [8] Amelia Carole
-D: [4] Margaret Hall
-D: [1] Lucille Violet
-D: [exp] Ann Isabella -S'sW: [35] Annie Deborah (LN: Malbone)
-D: [3] Eliza Coralie
-D: [1] Georgiana Beatrix W: [44] Sally Mona (LN: Sears)S: [24] Henry Sears
S: [17] Robert Oliver
D: [14] Sally Mona "Sal"******
D2: [65]
H: [70] Oliver Miles (LN: Fellows)D: [45] Sunshine Tabitha "Sunny"
-H: [45] Raymond Simon (LN: Hunt)S: [42] Oliver Miles "Ollie"
-W: [33] Elizabeth Tabitha (LN: Smith)
-S: [12] Felix Noah
-S: [6] Oliver Miles "Miles"
-S: [5] Matthias Jabez
-S: [3] Michael Benjamin
-D: [1] Agatha Augusta S: [40] Emery Baldwin
-W: [33] Lucretia Charlotte (LN: Winslow)S: [38] Columbus Wightman
S: [36] Jacob Malachi D: [30] Bessie Prudence
-H: [30] Benjamin Daniel (LN: Gardner)S: [28] Joseph Duncan
-W: [25] Esme Lily (LN: Turner)D: [26] Eleanor Sophie D: [23] Linda Theresa
-H: [21] Cyrus David (LN: Cowles)******
D3: [61]
H: [64] Ezra Ephraim (LN: Goodrich)D: [30] Anna Elizabeth S: [29] Ezra Ephraim
-W: [25] Charlotte Annabel (LN: Perigo)
-S: [2] Ezra Ephraim "Ephraim"
-S: [nb] Simon ReubenS: [26] Hiram Solomon
-W: [22] Martha Claudia (LN: Thompson)
-S: [2] Jack Ivan
-S: [exp] Hiram Solomon "Sol"D: [24] Desire Denise
S: [22] Simeon Jabez
D: [20] Emily Miriam
S: [18] Horace Cornelius ******
S2: [59]
exW: [56] Ella Lydia (LN: Cogswell)S: [37] Noah Lemuel
-W: [29] Anna Josephine (LN: Brookings)

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