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[Surname] looking for self
ethnic backgroun unknowned I did not know him

last living place windsor vt 1950/51

all I know is I have his dark brown hair tan colored skin blue eyes

and very short he was 5ft

What nationality could I possipility be
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Hummm ... a conundrum ...I think you need to investigate your genealogy a bit further... If you can get your father's birth certificate, it will likely list his parents names. Starting out with the surname first (in America) can lead you astray.

If you know when and where he was born, there should be records. Contact them. It's not difficult to get birth records. Start there before worrying about your last name ...he may have chosen it ad hoc ... Last names only matter when you have some sort of ethnic affiliation.

Most states are pretty cooperative in providing information ...usually for a nominal fee ...then come back to us and we'll track down where you real name originates ...

Good luck!!!

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Did you mention your surname (is it 'Bushey')?
If it's important to you you can always get a DNA test:
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